Rules of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage

1.1 Purpose and Scope of Application of the Document

1.1.1 These Rules of Carriage for Passengers and Baggage of AZUR air, LLC (hereinafter, the "Rules") establish:

- the general conditions for the carriage of passengers, including official staff and baggage, which must be observed when entering into and in the process of fulfilling the conditions of the contract for the carriage of passengers and baggage by air.

- the rights, duties and responsibilities of AZUR air, LLC, authorized agents acting on behalf of AZUR air, LLC, as well as persons using AZUR air, LLC services, and are obligatory for them.

1.1.2 These Rules are applied for the domestic, international, regular and charter air carriage of passengers and baggage where AZUR air, LLC is the actual carrier.

1.1.3 These Rules apply to the international air carriage of passengers and baggage if they do not conflict with international air carriage conventions, documents of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and also the applicable international agreements and treaties of the Russian Federation regarding air services.

1.1.4 Charter operations are carried out in accordance with the agreement on charter operations (aircraft charter contract) and with the observance of these Rules, unless otherwise provided for in the specified agreement between the charterer and the carrier.

1.1.5 Carriage of passengers and baggage on scheduled flights is carried out in accordance with the schedule and the procedure provided for in the air carriage agreement.

1.1.6 These Rules are an integral part of the air carriage agreement.

1.1.7 When entering into an agreement for air carriage of passengers and baggage, the rules, fares and charges applicable on the date of issue of the transport document are applied.

1.1.8 The terms and conditions of the passenger air carriage agreement are contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, these Rules, the fare application rules and the travel document

1.1.9 The requirements of these Rules are binding for:

- AZUR air, LLC employees involved in the organization and performance of carriage of passengers and baggage;

- employees of handling companies and authorized agents acing on behalf of AZUR air, LLC;

- individuals using AZUR air, LLC's services.

1.1.10 Issues concerning the application of these Rules and other regulations issued in furtherance of these Rules arising in connection with passengers and their baggage, when purchasing a travel document and during the procedures for the registration of said documents, boarding and disembarking (loading and unloading) shall be authorized by the officials of AZUR air, LLC, its authorized agents (general agent), or officials of the service provider.

1.1.11 Regarding passengers who require special treatment, AZUR air, LLC adheres to its Quality Policy, Aviation Safety and Security Policy, and applies the procedures relevant to the Policies with regard to the acceptance of such passengers prior to the flight and their transfer by ground personnel as set forth in these Rules.

1.2 Transport Safety Requirements

In accordance with the transport safety requirements, passengers are prohibited from:

- going (or driving) into the transport security zones outside the checkpoints without observing the conditions of admission;

- travelling on fake (forged) and/or invalid travel, transportation, and/or identity documents;

- carrying (or transporting) items and/or substances that are prohibited or restricted from the transport security zone and the free access area of the airport or aircraft, as well as other prohibited or restricted items and substances on board;

- committing acts of unlawful interference with the airport and aircraft, as well as other actions that damage the devices and equipment of the airport and aircraft or using them for any nonfunctional purpose that includes loss of life, material damage, or the possibility of such consequences.

1.3 Relations with Laws

1.3.1 The rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties arising from the contract for the air transport of passengers and baggage are regulated by:

- international air traffic conventions, as well as the provisions of existing international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

- the Air Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation;

- these Rules.

1.3.2 International transport of passengers and luggage is subject to the relevant mandatory regulations, rules and instructions of the competent national authorities involved in transport.

1.3.3 If any provisions specified in these Rules or in the transport document contradict Russian legislation in question and cannot be amended by agreement of the parties to the air transport contract, such provisions shall remain in force and shall be considered as part of the transport contract only insofar as they do not conflict with said legislation. In this event, the invalidity of any provision of these Rules does not terminate the effect of other provisions of these Rules.

1.3.4 For international air traffic, the liability of AZUR air, LLC is governed by international air transport conventions, and ICAO documents, except for transport which cannot be considered as such as defined by these documents.

1.4 Amendment of These Rules

1.4.1 These Rules, as well as other rules, guidelines, instructions and documents regulating air transportation issued in furtherance of them may be amended by AZUR air, LLC without prior notification to passengers, provided that no such amendment is applied after entering into the passenger air transport agreement. Amendments to these Rules come into force upon approval. These Rules may be amended in connection with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, international contracts, and air services agreements.

1.4.2 Representatives of AZUR air, LLC, as well as agents providing services on its behalf and servicing the air transport of passengers and baggage, do not have the right to amend or cancel the provisions of these Rules or other regulatory documents of AZUR air, LLC.

2.1 Air Carriage Agreement

2.1.1 Under the passenger air transport contract, AZUR air, LLC undertakes to transport the aircraft passenger to the destination by providing a seat on the aircraft en route, which is indicated on the ticket, and in the event of the transport of baggage by the passenger, the baggage is also to be delivered to the destination and presented to the passenger or the person authorized to receive the baggage.

2.1.2 The transportation of passengers by AZUR air, LLC carried out under an air transport contract, and other services provided by AZUR air, LLC are subject to:

- the terms and conditions set forth in the ticket;

- applicable fares;

- the terms and conditions of these Rules;

- the laws of the Russian Federation.

2.1.3 The air transport agreement is certified by a ticket and baggage check. In the event of a discrepancy between the information indicated on the ticket and the information contained in the database of AZUR air, LLC, priority is given to said database.

2.1.4 The document confirming payment for air transport is a payment document evidencing payment for air transport.

2.1.5 The passenger shall pay the transport fee for air transportation at the set fare, and for the transport of baggage when said baggage's weight exceeds the free baggage allowance set by AZUR air, LLC.

2.1.6 The air transport agreement is considered in effect from the moment of the proper and timely payment for air transport.

2.1.7 After the full payment for transport by AZUR air, LLC, the Carrier or an authorized Agent issues a route ticket to the passenger, or sends it to the passenger by email.

2.1.8 Payment for transport must be made by means strictly specified by AZUR air, LLC within the time limits stipulated by the rules for the application of AZUR air, LLC tariffs valid at the time of booking.

2.1.9 In the event of a late payment or other violation of the terms of payment, the air transport agreement is deemed not in effect, unless AZUR air, LLC confirms otherwise.

2.1.10 The air transport agreement is valid until AZUR air, LLC fulfills its obligations for the air transport of the passenger and/or baggage along the route indicated in the ticket, provided that the passenger's obligations are properly fulfilled.

2.1.11 AZUR air, LLC undertakes to complete all measures depending on it to transport passengers and baggage within a reasonable time. The time specified in the timetable and other documents is not guaranteed, and is not an essential term or part of the air transport agreement.

2.1.12 In the event of a change in the aircraft service timetable, AZUR air, LLC shall take available measures to inform passengers who have entered into a passenger air transport agreement about said changes to the aircraft service timetable by any available means.

2.1.13 AZUR air, LLC has the right to cancel, delay the flight indicated in the ticket, change the type of aircraft, and change the route if required for flight safety and/or security, and at the request of the authorities in accordance with their competence.

2.1.14 AZUR air, LLC is not responsible for not notifying passenger about changes to the aircraft service timetable, changing the departure/arrival airport, canceling the flight or changing any other flight parameters in the event the passenger did not provide their contact information (phone number, address email, etc.), or the employees of AZUR air, LLC were unable to contact the passenger at the specified contact details, with at least one attempt for each of the specified phone numbers (addresses, etc.), including as a result of incorrect contact data submitted by the passenger. In these events, AZUR air, LLC does not compensate the passenger for damage caused by said failure to notify.

2.1.15 The transport of passengers and baggage from the airport of departure to the airport of destination by several carriers under a single travel document, is considered one instance of travel, irrespective of whether there was a transfer or a break in service. AZUR air, LLC is not responsible for ensuring flight connections, if separate tickets were issued for travel.

2.1.16 AZUR air, LLC has the right to transfer duties or part of duties under the air transport agreement to another person, including another carrier. In this event, AZUR air, LLC informs the passenger of the new carrier, and the transport rules of said carrier shall be extended to the passenger unless otherwise provided by the code sharing agreement between AZUR air, LLC and the actual carrier.

2.1.17 The rules of booking, the terms of the tariff, and the rights of the personal data owner can be found by passengers on the official website of AZUR air, LLC when booking the flight.

2.2 Booking

2.2.1 Booking a place for baggage (passenger seat, weight, volume) on AZUR air, LLC aircraft is mandatory for the passenger ("Booking").

2.2.2 Booking flights by disabled persons or persons with disabilities is described in Clause 3.6 of these Rules.

2.2.3 Bookings are made by AZUR air, LLC, an authorized agent, or by the passenger via the information network on the official website of AZUR air, LLC

2.2.4 A booking is valid only if it is in the reservation system of AZUR air, LLC, according to the rules established by AZUR air, LLC, and does not contradict the terms of the carriage agreement.

2.2.5 The option to change or cancel a booking may be limited in accordance with the tariff rules set out by AZUR air, LLC.

2.2.6 After the time limit to save a booking in the reservation system without further payment has expired, the order is canceled without notice.

2.2.7 During booking, AZUR air, LLC has the right not to assign a specific seat in the cabin of the aircraft with the declared service class. The specific seat allocated to the passenger is indicated by AZUR air, LLC or by the service provider during the passenger's flight check-in.

2.2.8 Passenger booking and registration of the travel document for the passenger and baggage is made within the terms established by the fare application rules of AZUR air, LLC.

2.2.9 Booking is considered preliminary until AZUR air, LLC or its agent issues an official travel document to the passenger.

2.2.10 AZUR air, LLC has the right to cancel a booking without informing the passenger if the passenger has not paid the booking fee within the specified period, or has not fulfilled other terms established by the tariff's application rules.

2.2.11 Special booking conditions requiring approval from AZUR air, LLC are relevant to the transport of:

- passengers with a child up to 2 years;

- unaccompanied children travelling under the supervision of AZUR air, LLC;

- seriously ill passengers; bed patients; visually impaired passengers with a guide dog; passengers whose ability to travel by air is limited and/or whose condition requires special attention during service ("passengers with reduced mobility");

- passengers with weapons and/or ammunition;

- baggage of the passenger when entering into an air transport agreement offering a free baggage allowance, in excess of the free baggage allowance, or passenger baggage as established by AZUR air, LLC when entering into an air transport agreement that does not provide for a free baggage allowance ("Excess Baggage");

- packed baggage with a three dimensional size exceeding two hundred and three centimeters ("Oversized Baggage");

- baggage with a weight exceeding 30 (thirty) kilograms ("Heavy Baggage");

- baggage which must be transported only in the cabin of the aircraft;

- dogs, cats, birds and other small tame animals ("Pets" ("Birds")), service dogs of the canine units of federal executive bodies ("Service Dogs").

2.2.12 AZUR air, LLC has the right to cancel a booking for each subsequent route segment without notifying the passenger if the passenger has not used the booked passenger seat on any part of the route and has not informed AZUR air, LLC of their intention to continue the trip.

2.3 Processing of Personal Data

2.3.1 AZUR air, LLC does not have the right to transfer the information received from the passenger to third parties, except for in cases provided for by the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.

2.3.2 AZUR air, LLC has the right to process the personal data communicated by passenger in any form during booking, issuing a ticket, changing the terms of travel, or the voluntary refusal of transport in accordance with Sub-clause 5 of Cl. 6 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" ("152-FZ") of 27.07.2006 in order to enter into a transport agreement on the initiative of the passenger (the owner of the personal data). The processing of the passenger's personal data in the context of these Rules is understood as any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, or destruction of personal data performed by AZUR air, LLC as part of its obligations under the air transport agreement using automated systems or without such means.

2.3.3 Personal passenger data in the context of these Rules are understood as follows:

- full name;

- passport details;

- residence address;

- phone number;

- email address and other data specified by the passenger when booking and processing the flight.

2.3.4 Entering into a transport agreement confirms the passenger's consent:

- to transfer personal data to the automated system of passenger booking and registration, and other automated systems (including when said transfer is a cross-border transfer of personal data in accordance with Article 12 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006);

- with the fact that AZUR air, LLC has the right to authorize its agents or other persons involved in the process of selling or providing transport on behalf of AZUR air, LLC, to process the personal data of the passenger;

- with the fact that AZUR air, LLC also has the right to process their personal data in any of the methods specified above after the expiry of the carriage agreement, at the request of the authorized government authorities.

2.4 Payment Procedure

2.4.1 The payment for carriage of passengers and/or baggage on scheduled flights of AZUR air, LLC shall be collected by the employees of AZUR air, LLC or an authorized agent.

2.4.2 The fare is determined based on the amount set by AZUR air, LLC for the transport of a passenger between two points on a transportation route ("Tariffs") or a combination of tariffs from the airport (point), where the transport of a passenger/baggage starts according to the passenger air transport agreement at the airport (point) of departure to the airport (point) of destination, and on the fees stipulated by the Rules for the Pricing and Application of Tariffs for the Regular Air Transport of Passengers and Baggage, and Collection of Charges in Commercial Aviation, approved by Order No. 155 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia of 25.09.2008, and in the event of ordering additional luxury passenger services, on the cost of additional comfort services established by AZUR air, LLC.

2.4.3 An additional fee may be charged by the authorized agent for providing the passenger with services related to selecting the optimal air transport route or the travel fare in accordance with the priority aspects of the transport conditions prescribed by the passenger and/or the general transport conditions, as well as advisory services.

2.4.4 Payment for transport and ticketing is made after booking, except for in the cases indicated below.

2.4.5 Payment for transport and ticketing can be made prior to booking in the following cases:

- when issuing a ticket with an open departure date (without specifying a fixed date in the ticket);

- when issuing a standby ticket;

- when issuing a ticket in case of available space after the passenger and baggage check-in closes.

2.4.6 When paying for the transport of a passenger/baggage, the fares applicable on the date of transport are applied.

2.4.7 If the fares were changed by AZUR air LLC before travel, the passengers are transported according to the tickets issued before the fare changes without recalculation of cost, provided that the original terms of the air carriage agreement are observed.

2.4.8 In the event that the passenger changes the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement before commencing travel, the fare is determined based on the fares effective on the date of commencing the new air travel. If the passenger voluntarily changes the terms of the air carriage agreement after travel has begun, the transport is charged at the fare applicable on the date of commencing travel if the fare has changed.

2.4.9 Additional fees (if required) must be paid at the same time as the payment for the booking.

2.5 Travel Documents

2.5.1 Each air carriage agreement and its terms are certified by the travel documents issued by AZUR air LLC or an authorized agent.

The travel documents are:

- a ticket (and baggage receipt) when transporting a passenger (and baggage);

- a receipt for the payment of additional/oversized baggage when transporting baggage requiring payment;

- a miscellaneous charges order (MCO), when the passenger pays fees and makes payments for services provided for the performance of the air carriage agreement.

2.5.2 Travel documents are issued by entering the necessary data manually, automatically, or electronically either electronically or on paper.

2.6 Ticket and Baggage Receipt

2.6.1 The ticket and baggage receipt (hereinafter, "ticket") is a travel document certifying that an air carriage agreement has been entered into between AZUR air LLC and the passenger. A separate ticket is issued for each passenger. The ticket can be issued electronically (electronic ticket).

2.6.2 The passenger can receive an electronic ticket passenger itinerary directly at the point of sale by AZUR air LLC or its authorized agent or receive an electronic ticket passenger itinerary independently as per the procedure established by AZUR air LLC or the agent.

2.6.3 The passenger ticket shall indicate the passenger's name and surname (in full), the number of the passenger's identification document, the travel route, and the date and time of departure.

2.6.4 Tickets are issued to the passenger only after payment of the cost of carriage based on the fare established by the carrier.

2.6.5 Changes to the passenger ticket at the passenger's request are allowed with the consent of AZUR air LLC and are carried out by AZUR air LLC or its agent in accordance with the rules for the application of AZUR air LLC fares and during the validity period of said air ticket.

2.6.6 If the passenger has an electronic ticket, information on the number of baggage items and/or weight, except for the belongings specified in Clause 9.4.5. of these Rules, shall be entered electronically in the automated passenger and baggage registration system.

2.7 Ticket Non-Validity

2.7.1 The passenger shall only be permitted to board with a properly issued ticket.

AZUR air LLC has the right to deem a ticket invalid if:

- the ticket presented by the passenger was not purchased from an authorized agent of AZUR air LLC;

- it is established that the passenger's air carriage agreement was never concluded.

2.7.2 If a ticket is declared lost, incorrectly issued, or damaged by the passenger, AZUR air LLC immediately takes all measures it is responsible for to establish that a valid and complete air carriage agreement was actually concluded with the passenger.

2.7.3 The payment receipt for excess baggage and/or a miscellaneous charges order lost by the passenger are not recoverable and duplicates shall not be issued.

2.8 Passenger Ticket Transfer

A ticket cannot be transferred and used by another person.

Only the passenger whose surname and identification document details coincide with the data specified during booking shall be permitted on board.

2.9 Passenger Documents

2.9.1 Tickets for an AZUR air LLC flight are only issued with the data contained in the passenger's identification document.

2.9.2 When traveling outside the Russian Federation, the passenger must provide the documents established by the regulations for crossing the border of the country of departure/entry.

2.9.3 To confirm their identity when checking-in for a flight, the passenger must present the same identification document used during booking. Passengers and baggage are checked in accordance with the ticket and the identification document used to book said ticket, as well as any other documents stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, if necessary.

2.9.4 The ticket, including its electronic version, is evidence of the validity of the air carriage agreement entered into between the passenger and AZUR air LLC.

2.9.5 The passenger is responsible for obtaining all the documents necessary for travel, including visas, permits, etc., as well as for complying with all applicable laws regarding the departure from, entry into and transit through the relevant country of departure, arrival, and transit. AZUR air LLC is not liable to the passenger if the passenger has not obtained such documents or visas or has not complied with the requirements of applicable laws.

2.9.6 At the request of AZUR air LLC, the passenger must present all documents for departure, entry, transit, health status, or other documents required by the applicable laws, as well as allow AZUR air LLC to make and keep copies of said documents or to store the data contained in the relevant documents in some other way if AZUR air LLC considers it necessary.

2.10 Passenger Ticket Validity

2.10.1 Tickets paid at a fare that does not restrict the terms of sale and use (hereinafter, "normal fare") certify the obligation of AZUR air LLC to transport the passenger and baggage within one year from the travel start date, and if travel has not begun, from the date on which the ticket was issued.

2.10.2 Tickets purchased at a special rate certify the obligation of AZUR air LLC to transport the passenger and baggage within the time frame established by the agreement.

2.10.3 Tickets shall be accepted for exchange or refund in accordance with AZUR air LLC's fare rules and for the validity period of the corresponding ticket.

2.10.4 Each ticket is valid for the transport of the passenger between the points specified therein in the indicated service class. If the ticket is issued with an open return date, the possibility of booking the passenger's seat on the aircraft on the declared date of departure is subject to availability in the given booking class within the validity period of the passenger's ticket.

2.10.5 If the passenger failed to complete a flight that began during the validity of the ticket because of illness or the illness of a co-traveling family member, the passenger is entitled to apply to AZUR air LLC for an appropriate change to the air carriage agreement's validity. AZUR air LLC, acting in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and Federal Aviation Regulations, shall extend the validity of the air carriage agreement, taking into account the details of the medical documents provided by the passenger.

2.10.6 If a passenger that has a ticket with an open departure date attempts to book a flight and AZUR air LLC does not have the option of providing the passenger with a seat or other space within the validity date of the ticket, AZUR air LLC or an authorized agent shall book the next available flight with a passenger seat and space available in the service class corresponding to the service class purchased.

2.11 Scheduled and Charter Air Carriage

2.11.1 Passengers and baggage can be transported between points (airports) on either a regular or irregular (charter) basis.

2.11.2 Regular flights take place in accordance with the aircraft service timetable developed by AZUR air LLC and published in the computer data bank for aircraft service timetable.

2.11.3 Charter flights are carried out in accordance with the schedule (timetable) of charter flights.

2.11.4 Charter flights are carried out by AZUR air LLC on the basis of a preliminarily agreed flight plan, observing the conditions of transport stipulated by the charter carriage agreement.

2.11.5 AZUR air LLC informs the passenger about the terms of charter carriage and the requirement of observing AZUR air LLC's Rules of Carriage.

2.12 Amendment of the Air Carriage Agreement

2.12.1 The following changes shall be made within the validity period of the passenger transport obligation, except for cases of involuntary changes to the terms of the air carriage agreement by the passenger: changes to the transport route by the passenger (changes to the points of travel, changes to the sequence of travel points specified in the travel document, refusal to fly on one or several sections of the transport route), changes to the departure date or time, class of service, and other changes to the terms of the air carriage agreement.

2.12.2 In the event that it becomes impossible to accommodate the passenger on the flight indicated on the ticket, AZUR air LLC, upon agreement with the passenger, may:

- transport this passenger on another flight to the destination specified in the travel document;

- arrange for transport with another carrier;

- arrange for transport via another mode of transport;

- refund the purchase price in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, these Rules, and the applicable fare rules.

2.12.3 If the passenger changes the transport route (date and time) with AZUR air LLC, the purchase price may be recalculated.

2.13 Stopovers

2.13.1 The passenger can make one or several stops at any intermediate airports before the end destination. The passenger must notify AZUR air LLC or its authorized agent of its intention to stop at the time of booking. This stop shall be reflected on the passenger ticket and baggage receipt. When the passenger's travel document is issued under a special fare, stopovers are carried out taking into account restrictions on or prohibition of stopovers as stipulated by the corresponding fare rules.

2.13.2 Passenger stopovers are permitted within the validity period of the passenger ticket, provided that they are agreed in advance with AZUR air LLC or one of its agent, indicated on the passenger ticket and baggage receipt, taken into account when calculating the cost of carriage, and for international flights, provided that they are also allowed by the aviation (public) authorities of the country in which the stopover(s) will occur.

2.13.3 If a passenger does not declare a stopover at an intermediate airport during the ticketing process but wishes to make a stop and declares their desire at the airport, this passenger can continue the flight only after making the necessary changes (exchanging tickets) to their ticket in accordance with these Rules and the applicable fare rules of AZUR air LLC. The passenger must also compensate AZUR air LLC before the flight begins for all and any actual expenses (including, but not limited thereby, to compensation that AZUR air LLC paid or shall be obligated to pay to third parties in connection with such a flight delay) from the delay in the departure of the aircraft (flight) associated with removing their baggage from the aircraft if it was checked in for the flight up to the point initially specified in the travel document. An exception is a passenger stopover caused by illness or the illness of a co-traveling family member or by other force majeure circumstances arising at a stopover. The passenger's illness preventing them from continuing their trip must be confirmed by the corresponding medical documents.

2.13.4 If the passenger cannot continue their flight from the intermediate airport for reasons depending on AZUR air LLC, AZUR air LLC is obligated to transport such passenger to the destination point on the next scheduled flight. No additional payment for transporting this passenger nor associated fees are charged.

2.14 Termination of the Air Carriage Agreement

Refusal of air carriage by the passenger

2.14.1 The passenger has the right to refuse air carriage in the manner prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation. If the passenger does not intend to use their purchased ticket, the passenger or person authorized by them must notify AZUR air LLC of the unilateral termination of the air carriage agreement.

2.14.2 In the event that the passenger (authorized person) cannot apply for a refund of the unused flight at the place of payment, the refund is considered by AZUR air LLC as part of a claim procedure.

2.14.3 An unused ticket is considered to be unused involuntarily in the following cases:

- cancellation or delay of an AZUR air LLC aircraft departure under the timetable according to the travel document;

- failure of AZUR air LLC to land the aircraft at an intermediate airport or the destination airport according to the timetable;

- the inability of AZUR air LLC to provide passengers with seats on the aircraft according to the service class for the flight and on the date specified in the travel document;

- return of the aircraft to the airport of departure;

- failure to transport the passenger from the transfer airport due to AZUR air LLC's failure to connect the flights in the event of a single journey;

- failure to transport the passenger on the scheduled flight in accordance with the travel documents caused by the passenger being delayed at the departure airport because of an extended additional inspection if no prohibited substances or items were found during the baggage check or during personal inspection of the passenger;

- an aircraft on a scheduled flight landing at an airport not provided for by the air carriage agreement;

- illness of a passenger, co-traveling family member or a close relative, according to the travel documents, which can be confirmed by medical documents, or in connection with the death of a family member or close relative (with proper documentation), by notifying AZUR air LLC before check-in for the flight indicated on the ticket closes;

- not using the purchased ticket for reasons other than those listed above where AZUR air LLC is at fault.

2.14.4 In the event that the passenger does not use their purchased ticket involuntarily, AZUR air LLC makes a mark in the travel document or issues the passenger with a document confirming the circumstances specified in the previous clause.

2.14.5 In the event that the passenger does not use a purchased ticket voluntarily, this refusal to take the flight is recognized as a voluntary refusal on the part of the passenger.

Termination of the air carriage agreement by AZUR air LLC

2.14.6 AZUR air LLC may unilaterally terminate the air carriage agreement in the following cases:

- if the passenger violates the passport, customs, sanitary, or other regulations established by the laws of the Russian Federation for air carriage or the rules determined by the relevant authorities of the country of departure, destination, or transit;

- if the passenger refuses to comply with the requirements imposed by these Rules;

- if the health of the aircraft passenger requires special conditions for air travel or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, as evidenced by medical documents, or creates disorder and unavoidable inconvenience for other persons;

- if the passenger refuses to pay baggage fees in the amount and on the terms stipulated in the air carriage agreement;

- if the passenger refuses to pay for a co-traveling child in accordance with the reduced rate, except for cases of free transport for children under the age of two without their own seat;

- if the passenger violates the rules of conduct on board the aircraft which causes a threat to the safety of the flight or the life or health of other persons, or if the passenger does not follow the captain's orders given in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;

- if hazardous materials or items prohibited for air carriage are found in the passenger's belongings or baggage.

2.15 Fare Refund

2.15.1 Fares shall be refunded at the place of payment for transport, as well as at the points provided for by these Rules.

2.15.2 The refund amount of an unused travel document is determined by the Fare Application Rules of AZUR air LLC.

2.15.3 Upon termination of the air carriage agreement by AZUR air LLC in the cases specified in Subclauses 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7, Clause 1, Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the fare is refunded to the passenger according to the following procedure:

- if the passenger has entered into an air carriage agreement that provides for the return of the fare upon the termination of the air carriage agreement, the passenger is refunded the fare paid for air carriage with a penalty in the amount of twenty-five percent of the fare and the expenses actually incurred by AZUR air LLC related to the performance of obligations under the air carriage agreement. AZUR air LLC has the right to reduce the size of the penalty;

- if the passenger has entered into an air carriage agreement that stipulates a nonrefundable fare upon the termination of the air carriage agreement, the passenger is not refunded the fare paid for air carriage, with the exception of unused amounts charged by AZUR air LLC in favor of other companies in accordance with the laws of foreign countries from, to, and through which the air carriage is carried out.

2.15.4 The list of actually incurred expenses of AZUR air LLC related to the performance of obligations under the air carriage agreement and held by the passenger is determined by the authorized civil aviation body.

2.15.5 Upon termination of the air carriage agreement by AZUR air LLC in the cases provided for by Subclause 3, Clause 1, Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation:

- the passenger is refunded the fare paid for air carriage if the passenger's health status requires special conditions for travel or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, as evidenced by medical documents;

- the passenger is not refunded the fare paid for air transport if the passenger's health status creates disorder or is an unavoidable inconvenience to other persons.

2.15.6 Upon termination of the air carriage agreement by AZUR air LLC in connection with the passenger's actions as stipulated by Subclause 6, Clause 1, Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation (violation of the rules of conduct on board the aircraft by the passenger, non-fulfillment of the captain's orders by the passenger), the passenger shall not be refunded the fare for travel.

2.15.7 In the event that the passenger does not use a purchased ticket involuntarily, the passenger is refunded an amount determined according to the following provisions:

- the entire amount paid for the trip is refunded if the ticket was not used;

- the amount corresponding to the cost of the portion of the trip not used is returned if carriage was performed in part.

2.15.8 If a passenger decides not to use a purchased ticket voluntarily, they can receive a refund of the cost of the previously unused air transport paid in accordance with the Fare Application Rules of AZUR air LLC according to the following procedure:

- if the passenger has entered into an air carriage agreement which provides for a refund of the fare upon termination of the air carriage agreement, the passenger is refunded the fare paid for the trip (with the exception of expenses actually incurred by AZUR air LLC related to the performance of obligations under the air carriage agreement) provided that the passenger has notified AZUR air LLC of their intent to not use the purchased ticket no later than twenty-four hours before the check-in closes for the flight indicated on the ticket, as established in accordance with federal aviation rules;

- if the passenger notifies AZUR air LLC of their intent not to use a purchased ticket with a violation of the deadlines before the check-in closes for the flight indicated on the ticket, as established in accordance with federal aviation rules, the passenger is refunded the fare for air carriage with a penalty in the amount of twenty-five percent of the fare paid and the amount of expenses actually incurred by AZUR air LLC related to the performance of obligations under the air carriage agreement. AZUR air LLC has the right to reduce the size of the penalty;

- if the passenger notifies AZUR air LLC of the intent not to use a purchased ticket after the check-in closes for the flight indicated on the ticket, as established in accordance with federal aviation rules, the passenger shall not be refunded the fare paid for air transport;

- if the passenger has entered into an air carriage agreement that stipulates the non-refundable condition of the fare upon termination of the air carriage agreement, the passenger shall not be refunded the fare paid, with the exception of unused amounts charged by AZUR air LLC in favor of other companies in accordance with the laws of foreign countries from, to, and through which the passenger travels.

2.15.9 In the event that the passenger does not use a purchased ticket involuntarily, AZUR air LLC shall, if the passenger agrees, assign them a seat on one of the next flights to the destination stated in the passenger's travel document or reimburse the passenger the cost of carriage or part of the cost of carriage for the unused flight segment without deducting charges.

2.15.10 Refunds of amounts paid for carriage performed under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) shall be processed by the person to whom the passenger paid the costs of the carriage performed under the aircraft charter agreement (air charter), in the manner established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

2.16 Persons Entitled to a Refund for Unused (Partially Used) Tickets

2.16.1 Refunds of the travel fee for unused travel documents shall be made to the person specified in those documents or to the person who paid for the ticket upon the presentation of a document certifying such payment and an identification document, as well as documents proving the right to receive said amounts (a notarized power of attorney, for individuals; or a power of attorney certified by an authorized private entity, for representatives of legal entities), or to the authorized person, upon the presentation of an identification document and a document confirming the right to receive monetary amounts.

2.16.2 Refunds of funds with respect to an unused, partially used (paper) travel document shall be made only upon presentation of the passenger coupon and unused flight coupons of the passenger ticket to AZUR air LLC or one of its agents, as well as a miscellaneous charges order, electronic miscellaneous document, receipt for excess baggage, and receipt for miscellaneous charges.

2.16.3 In the event of prepayment of carriage in accordance with Clause 36 of FAP-82, the travel fee shall be refunded to the person who paid for the carriage upon the presentation of an identification document and on the basis of a miscellaneous charges order or electronic miscellaneous document.

2.17 Provision of Services and Information

2.17.1 AZUR air LLC (including through service organizations) shall provide services to passengers relating to the implementation and provision of air transport at airports and other points of registration, ticket sales points, and on board the aircraft. The services of AZUR air LLC or the service organization shall be rendered free of charge or on a reimbursable basis.

2.17.2 AZUR air LLC or the service organization shall provide the following services at the airport without charging additional service fees:

- check-in of passengers and baggage for transport;

- delivery of passengers to the place where the aircraft is parked, and aiding their boarding onto the aircraft;

- delivery of baggage to where the aircraft is parked, loading, placing, and securing baggage on board the aircraft;

- ensuring the disembarkation of passengers from the aircraft and transportation of passengers to the terminal building;

- unloading baggage from the aircraft, transporting, and delivering baggage to the passengers;

- provision of childcare facilities to passengers with children under the age of seven;

- two phone calls or two emails when waiting for a flight to depart for more than two hours;

- provision of soft drinks in the event of a delay in departure of more than two hours;

- provision of hot meals for passengers in case of a flight departure delay of more than four hours, and then afterwards every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night;

- provision of hotel accommodation in the event of a delay in departure of more than eight hours during the day and more than six hours at night;

- provision of transportation for passengers from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where a hotel is provided free of charge;

- provision of baggage storage.

Note. For the purposes of this clause, the waiting time for the departure of the flight shall begin at the flight departure time indicated on the ticket.

2.17.3 AZUR air LLC or a service organization shall provide the following information at the airport:

- the time of aircraft departure and arrival for the scheduled flight (flight plan);

- the place and start/end time of passenger and baggage check-in for the flight specified in the travel document;

- the time of passenger boarding onto an aircraft making a scheduled flight (flight plan);

- aircraft delays for the scheduled flight (flight plan) and causes of the delay;

- transport options to the nearest locality, between airport terminals, or between airports;

- rules and procedures for pre-flight and post-flight passenger and baggage inspections;

- general rules for passengers with regard to meeting requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, and quarantine phytosanitary control provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation;

- location of the childcare facilities.

2.17.4 AZUR air LLC or a service organization shall also provide passengers with other information in accordance with this document.

2.17.5 Information on the registration of travel documents in the name of a particular passenger, on check-in at the departure airport, and on departure and arrival times shall be provided on the basis of written requests from state bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations, as well as citizens, only if these requests are found to be justified and lawful.

3.1 Passenger and Baggage Check-In Before Departure

3.1.1 The passenger shall arrive in advance to the airport and go to the corresponding place to check in themselves and their baggage.

3.1.2 Start time for passenger check-in:

- at least 2 hours 30 minutes before the time of departure of the aircraft indicated on the air ticket;

- at different airports, due to their individual features and technical capabilities, the start time for check-in may differ from the time specified in Subclause 1 of Clause 3.1.2 of these Rules.

3.1.3 The passenger holding a ticket must undergo the check-in and baggage check-in procedure at the airport of departure, as well as pass through the security check. In the event of international travel, the passenger shall also undergo customs and border control, and if necessary, sanitary quarantine, immigration, veterinary, and quarantine phytosanitary control, as well as other types of control.

3.1.4 The passenger shall arrive in advance to the check-in point in order to complete the established pre-flight formalities (procedures of check-in and baggage check-in, excess baggage payment, security check, customs, passport control, and other formalities, preparation of exit and entry documents), as well as procedures for loading the baggage on board the aircraft.

3.1.5 Check-in for AZUR LLC's flights at the airport shall close 40 minutes before the departure of the aircraft unless otherwise provided for by the laws and regulations of the country in which the airport is located.

3.1.6 The end time of the aircraft boarding process is established at each airport, depending on the capabilities thereof, and shall be communicated to the passenger during check-in.

3.1.7 To ensure flight safety, the passengers and baggage, including items that passengers take with them, shall undergo mandatory pre-flight inspection, and if necessary, post-flight inspection as well.

3.1.8 Pre-flight and post-flight inspections of a passenger or baggage piece, including items on the passenger's person, shall be carried out at the airport by authorized persons of aviation security services and employees of the internal affairs transport body involved in conducting pre-flight and post-flight inspections.

3.1.9 Passengers with diplomatic status or diplomatic immunity, as well as courier escorts accompanying correspondence, shall be inspected on general grounds, except for cases stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.1.10 Passengers in a wheelchair, unable to move independently, or patients on a stretcher (on crutches, in wheelchairs), or passengers with implanted devices to stimulate heart activity shall be subject to manual inspection, and the persons accompanying them shall be examined on general grounds.

3.1.11 The pre-flight inspection shall not exclude the possibility of conducting a search during the operational search, criminal procedural activities, and other activities by authorized persons in the manner established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.1.12 During aircraft flights, pre-flight inspections shall be conducted after border, customs, immigration, veterinary, and other types of control.

3.1.13 If a passenger refuses inspection, AZUR air LLC shall have the right to terminate the air carriage agreement unilaterally, with compensation for any payments made in accordance with these Rules and AZUR air LLC's Fare Application Rules.

3.1.14 Passengers shall, for the purposes of the check-in and baggage check-in procedure, present a document certifying their identity, as well as other documents provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation, if necessary.

3.1.15 Passenger identification documents shall mean the following:

- state ID of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

- passport of the Russian Federation: general passport, diplomatic passport, service passport;

- national passport (state ID) of a foreign citizen;

- residence permit of the Russian Federation for stateless persons;

- birth certificate for citizens of the Russian Federation under 14 years old;

- seafarer's passport (seafarer's identity document) for travel on duty;

- temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

- certificate of return to the country in which the passenger is a citizen;

- identification card of an officer or warrant officer of the Russian Federation or countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter, "CIS");

- military card of military personnel of the Russian Federation serving on conscription or under a contract, with a note on their current service;

- travel document of stateless persons and refugees;

- certificate of release from detention facilities for persons released from detention facilities.

3.1.16 Also, if necessary, the passenger shall carry documents certifying the special conditions of carriage for the passenger and their baggage (power of attorney for a child, medical certificate, veterinary certificate, etc.).

Note. In the event that, during check-in for a flight, the passenger intends to present an identity document other than the one on the basis of which the ticket was issued, the passenger shall contact AZUR air LLC or the agent in advance, before check-in opens, in order for the new information on their identity document and changes to be entered in the automated booking system, and AZUR air LLC or the agent shall take the corresponding steps to enter these changes.

3.1.17 At check-in, the passenger shall be issued a boarding pass indicating their initials and last name, flight number, departure date, boarding end time, boarding gate number, and seat number on board the aircraft. If necessary, additional information may be indicated on the boarding pass.

3.1.18 AZUR air LLC provides a child under twelve years of age and his accompanying passenger with adjacent passenger seats on board the aircraft, in the same row, not separated by an aisle (hereinafter referred to as “adjacent passenger seats”), in accordance with the class of service on board the aircraft and in compliance with flight safety requirements, without additional charges. Selecting and providing adjacent passenger seats to passengers during check-in, in accordance with the class of service on board the aircraft and in compliance with flight safety requirements, are not additionally charged.

3.1.19 When checking in passengers and/or baggage, the passenger must present all baggage intended for transport as checked baggage to be weighed, except for items specified in Clause 4.4.6 hereof. When checking in and/or boarding the aircraft, the passenger must, at the request of AZUR air LLC, present the cabin baggage specified in Clause 4.4.6 hereof for weighing, along with any backpacks, baby cribs, or baby carriers for transporting a child.

3.1.20 At the request of passengers traveling together on a trip to the same destination airport or stopover airport and on the same flight (family members, persons traveling together, including on a business trip), AZUR air LLC shall combine the sum of the free baggage allowances for each passenger according to weight, after concluding an agreement for air carriage that provides a free baggage allowance.

In the event that the passengers referred to in this clause have concluded air carriage agreements that do not provide a free baggage allowance and if the baggage rate is paid by such passengers at AZUR air LLC's established baggage rate, AZUR air LLC shall, at the passengers' request, combine the baggage weight provided for by the baggage rate. The weight of one piece of combined baggage shall not exceed thirty kilograms and shall be accepted for carriage without an additional fee.

In the event that the weight of one piece of combined baggage exceeds thirty kilograms, payment for such baggage shall be carried out in accordance with the rules for transporting heavy baggage.

Baggage shall be checked in to each passenger individually.

3.1.21 When baggage is checked in, the passenger shall be issued a torn-off section of the numbered baggage label and the other section shall be attached to each piece of baggage accepted by AZUR air LLC for carriage in the baggage compartment of the aircraft. The baggage is transported under the responsibility of the carrier, who is responsible for the safekeeping of such pieces from the time they are handed over by the passenger to the time they are returned to the passenger.

3.1.22 The numbered baggage label serves to identify each checked baggage item and contains information on the first and last name of the passenger, the flight number, date of departure, departure airport (point), and destination airport (point), up to where the checked baggage is accepted for carriage and baggage piece weight. The numbered baggage label may contain other additional information.

3.1.23 For special transport conditions, a special unnumbered baggage label shall be attached to the checked baggage.

3.1.24 For items on the passenger's person transported in the cabin of the aircraft (hereinafter, "cabin baggage"), an unnumbered label shall be attached, for example "cabin baggage," except for items specified in Clause 4.4.6. hereof.

3.1.25 After passenger and baggage check-in, AZUR air LLC is responsible for the safekeeping of all checked-in baggage.

3.1.26 The passenger shall arrive at the boarding gate to board the aircraft no later than the boarding end time for the flight indicated on the boarding pass. Passengers shall be allowed to board after presenting a boarding pass for the corresponding flight.

3.1.27 For international flights, a passenger must have the exit, entry, and other documents required in accordance with the laws of the country of origin, transit, or destination in accordance with the established procedures.

3.1.28 AZUR air LLC shall not be responsible for matters relating to the passenger's relations with state services (customs, border, immigration, etc.) unless otherwise stipulated by the international or national legislative documents of the country of departure, transfer, stopover, or entry. Nevertheless, AZUR air LLC shall have the right to check all the necessary documents during check-in before the passenger and their baggage are accepted for carriage.

3.1.29 If a passenger is late for check-in, baggage check-in, or boarding, they may be refused boarding on the flight. If a passenger has checked in for the flight but does not arrive to board the aircraft, their checked baggage shall be subject to removal from the aircraft and compulsory inspection.

Online check-in

3.1.30 Online check-in is an independent check-in option for passengers (without the participation of AZUR air LLC personnel online on the official AZUR air LLC website

3.1.31 Online check-in is available to the following categories of passengers:

- passengers for flights departing from the cities specified on the official AZUR air LLC website, in the Online Check-In section:

- passengers without animals;

- passengers that do not require any additional services, such as accompanying people with disabilities, accompanying a child without parents, etc.

3.1.32 The boarding pass is required for boarding. Boarding passes shall be printed out by the passenger independently on A4 paper. If the passenger has not been able to print out the boarding pass in advance, they may print it at the check-in counter at the airport of departure no later than 40 minutes before check-in closes.

3.1.33 Baggage shall be checked in at the check-in counter at the airport.

3.1.34 Online check-in shall start 24 hours and end 2 hours before the flight departure time. The passenger shall have the right to check-in at the counter before the end of check-in.

3.2 Passenger Services on Board the Aircraft

3.2.1 AZUR air LLC provides passengers with a group of services on board the aircraft depending on the aircraft type and equipment, flight duration, time of day of the flight, and service class specified in the travel document.

In order to receive the services stated by AZUR air LLC or extra services, the passenger shall occupy the seat indicated on their boarding pass.

3.2.2 AZUR air LLC shall inform passengers of the flight conditions and rules of conduct on board the aircraft; the location of the main and emergency exits, the evacuation plan for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, as well as the location of personal protective equipment and inflatable evacuation slides in the passenger compartment.

3.2.3 AZUR air LLC shall provide first aid on board the aircraft.

3.2.4 Food and hot drinks may not be provided to passengers on board the aircraft if the passenger was informed of the conditions of service on board the aircraft prior to entering into the passenger air carriage agreement (in accordance with Clause 98 of FAR-82).

3.2.5 Food and hot drinks shall be provided on AZUR air LLC flights depending on the scheduled duration of the flight and the class of service.

More information on the type of food provided on flights is available on the official AZUR air LLC website

3.2.6 The consumption of alcoholic beverages or smoking on board the aircraft is strictly prohibited, including electronic cigarettes. The full list of "Passenger Rules of Conduct on Board the Aircraft" is given in Appendix 1 hereto.

3.3 Transportation of Passengers on Preferential Terms

3.3.1 Certain categories of citizens shall have the right to travel by air on preferential terms in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the rules of air transport established by AZUR air LLC.

3.3.2 Travel documents shall be issued to passengers with state benefits individually upon the presentation of documents confirming the right to preferential air transport established by the laws of the Russian Federation and upon written permission of AZUR air LLC.

3.4 Transportation of Children

General terms and conditions

3.4.1 When issuing a passenger ticket and during the procedure for checking in a child, it is necessary to present AZUR air LLC with a document confirming the child's age. The child's age as of the start date of travel and up until the start point of departure as specified in the travel document shall be taken into account. AZUR air LLC or its agent shall indicate the child's date of birth on the child passenger's ticket.

3.4.2 In case of changing the route and/or the flight departure date after travel has begun, the child's ticket shall be reissued at the rate of air carriage with a discount corresponding to the age of the child on the start date of travel from the starting point of departure specified in the travel document, even if the child's age has changed by the time the ticket for carriage is reissued.

3.4.3 It is prohibited to seat passengers with children under 2 years old near emergency exits. It is prohibited to seat adolescents near emergency exits, even if they are accompanied by an adult.

3.4.4 Minors shall only be permitted to leave the Russian Federation in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.4.5 Children between the ages of 2 and 5 are only allowed to travel if accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation, has obtained full legal status before the age of 18.

Children between the ages of 5 and 12 are only allowed to travel if accompanied by an adult passenger or passenger who, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation, has obtained full legal status before reaching the age of 18 or if unaccompanied by such a passenger but under the supervision of AZUR air LLC.


3.4.6 Newborn children shall be accepted for air carriage at the age of seven or more days in accordance with doctors' recommendations.

Passengers with children under 2

3.4.7 An adult passenger or passenger who, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation, has obtained full legal status before they reach the age of eighteen, shall have the right to transport one child under two years of age free of charge for domestic flights, or in the event of international travel, at a discount of ninety percent of the standard or special fare if there are no special conditions for the application of a special fare, without providing a separate seat and with a mandatory ticket issued. If a child under the age of two is allocated a separate seat at the request of the accompanying passenger, then such child shall be transported at a discount of 50 percent of the standard or special fare if there are no special conditions for the application of a special fare.

3.4.8 Other children under the age of two years and children between the ages of two and twelve traveling with a passenger shall be transported at a discount of 50 percent of the standard or special fare if there are no special conditions for the application of a special fare, with the provision of individual seats.

3.4.9 It is prohibited to place two children in the same seat.

3.4.10 Upon prior request but no later than 48 hours before departure, the child may be provided with a baby meal (BBML). In the absence of a preliminary request, a child under two shall not be provided with meals on board the aircraft.

3.4.11 On board the aircraft, infants shall be held by the accompanying persons throughout the flight unless a separate seat has been bought.

3.4.12 Babies shall always be placed with their heads away from the window (except for aisle seats, where babies shall be placed with their feet towards the aisle) to exclude the possibility of injury to the child's head should any objects fall from service carts.

3.4.13 No more than one baby is allowed to be placed in certain seats for each type of aircraft to ensure the provision of an oxygen mask in the event of depressurization in the passenger compartment.

3.4.14 It is prohibited to place children in a single block of seats without an accompanying adult.

Transportation of groups of children

3.4.15 More than twenty passengers under the age of 18 shall be considered a group of children. Transportation of an organized group of children shall be agreed/confirmed by AZUR air LLC in advance, at least 10 business days before the flight.

3.4.16 The head or official of the organization (customer) that organizes the group of children for travel and is responsible for ensuring the safety of transportation for said group of children shall, at least 10 business days prior to the flight, coordinate such travel with AZUR air LLC, provide a complete list of the children and a list of the accompanying adults (full names, phone numbers) to AZUR air LLC, including the senior responsible person, and a list of emergency telephone numbers. Transportation shall be considered agreed/confirmed after coming to agreement with the stakeholding subdivisions of AZUR air LLC and sending confirmation to the customer.

3.4.17 The number of accompanying persons must be at least one adult per 30 children. The number of accompanying persons may be revised upon agreement with AZUR air LLC.

3.4.18 In the event of failure situations (delay in the departure of aircraft, boarding at a reserve airfield) involving a change in the timetable and traffic route, the senior responsible person of the accompanying persons shall ensure that measures are taken to notify the parents (legal representatives) of the children in a timely manner.

Organization of services for groups of children

3.4.19 For the provision of meals, food products shall meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation according to safety indicators and be accompanied by documents indicating their quality and safety.

3.4.20 Drinking water, including in containers and bottled water, shall meet the requirements for drinking water with respect to quality and safety.

3.4.21 Groups of children shall be checked in at separate check counters and they shall be placed exclusively in seats located outside of emergency exits; priority shall be given to seats in the first cabin. Persons accompanying the group shall be checked in to seats near emergency exits and in the immediate proximity of the children.

3.4.22 If possible, the group of children shall be organized in a special zone and buses shall be provided to the airport.

3.4.23 The flight attendants' work on board the aircraft includes monitoring the children's behavior, maintaining the proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the cabin, and if necessary, providing first aid.

3.5 Transportation of Unaccompanied Minors

3.5.1 Children between the ages of 5 and 12 who travel without their parents and are not accompanied by any other passengers may be transported as unaccompanied minors (UM) according to a written application by the child's representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians, or trustees).

3.5.2 A child under the age of 5, as well as a disabled child under the age of 12, shall only be transported if accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation, has obtained full legal status before reaching the age of eighteen. Children under the age of 5, as well as disabled children under the age of 12, may not be accepted for carriage as unaccompanied minors.

3.5.3 The age of an unaccompanied minor shall be determined as of the day on which travel from the departure airport begins.

3.5.4 The transportation of unaccompanied minors shall only be available to airports that have AZUR air LLC representatives.

3.5.5 The total number of unaccompanied minors shall be no more than three per flight. The number of unaccompanied minors on one flight may be increased with AZUR air LLC's prior approval.

3.5.6 The transportation of unaccompanied minors shall only be allowed on AZUR air LLC's direct flights, up to the first boarding point. Unaccompanied minors may not travel on transfer flights.

3.5.7 Unaccompanied minors may travel only in economy class.

3.5.8 Tickets for unaccompanied minors shall be sold in accordance with the ticketing rules at the fares established by AZUR air LLC.

3.5.9 When buying a ticket for an unaccompanied minor, the person making the purchase shall notify the sales agent of the need for the minor to travel unaccompanied.

3.5.10 An unaccompanied minor shall be granted free baggage allowance in accordance with the applied fare.

3.5.11 The person accompanying the child shall remain at the airport of departure up until to the flight actually leaves the airport.

3.5.12 Unaccompanied minors shall be accepted for carriage with the following:

- a confirmed booking;

- an Agreement for Transportation of an Unaccompanied Minor, executed by the parent or guardian (legal representative) (hereinafter, "Agreement").

- presence of the person seeing off the minor at the airport of departure and of the person picking up the minor at the airport of arrival;

- flight ticket;

- ID document: birth certificate for children under 14 years old; passport for children over 14 years old;

- medical certificate on the child's health condition (if necessary).

3.5.13 The Agreement for Transportation of an Unaccompanied Minor shall be drawn up by the sales agent or representative of AZUR air LLC at the airport of departure no later than 3 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight.

3.5.14 AZUR air LLC uses the standard form for the Agreement for Transportation of an Unaccompanied Minor recommended in the Passenger Service Conference Manual IATA, Recommended Practice 1753, Attachment "A," translated into Russian.

3.5.15 Transportation of unaccompanied minors on international charter flights is not allowed.

3.5.16 For international flights, in addition to the requirements of Clause 3.5.12 hereof, it is necessary to obtain notarized consent from the parents (legal representatives) for the unaccompanied transport of their child on an international flight of AZUR air LLC, specifying the time/date of departure and the country they intend to visit.

3.5.17 For international flights, an unaccompanied minor must have the required exit, entry, and other documents in accordance with the laws of the country of origin, transit, or destination in accordance with the established procedures.

3.5.18 Upon check-in, the unaccompanied minor shall be given a distinctive sign in the form of an envelope/purse for the child's documents clearly marked "UM," which allows the unaccompanied minor to be recognized from among the other passengers.

3.5.19 Unaccompanied minors shall be allocated seats in the aircraft cabin taking into account the following requirements:

- sitting near emergency and emergency exits shall be prohibited;

- availability of rescue equipment;

- possibility of in-flight observation and care by the appointed flight attendant;

- during check-in, unaccompanied minors in economy class shall be allocated seats at the back of the aircraft, near the window.

3.5.20 If the person(s) picking up the minor at the destination airport is not present upon arrival, the agent of the servicing company shall leave the minor with AZUR air LLC's representative.

3.5.21 AZUR air LLC's representative shall use all possible means to contact the minor's legal representatives using the contact details specified in the Agreement and leave the unaccompanied minor with them against signature.

3.5.22 If it is not possible to establish contact with the minor's legal representatives, AZUR air LLC's representative shall check the possibility of sending the unaccompanied minor back to the initial airport of departure on a flight operated by AZUR air LLC or a third-party airline.

3.5.23 If it is not possible to leave the minor with the person picking them up, AZUR air LLC's representative shall arrange for rest and food while waiting for the unaccompanied minor's return to the initial airport of departure, with subsequent reimbursement of the expenses by the minor's legal representative.

3.5.24 If it is not possible to transport the unaccompanied minor back to the initial airport of departure on a flight operated by AZUR air LLC or a third-party airline, AZUR air LLC's representative shall contact the department of internal affairs at the airport to track down the minor's legal representatives.

3.6 Transportation of Disabled Passengers and Other Passengers with Disabilities

General provisions

Disabled passengers and other passengers with disabilities are persons whose ability to move, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, or serve themselves is fully or partially limited due to physical disabilities (functional disorders of sensory or movement organs), mental deficiency, age, illness, or for any other reason caused by a functional disorder.

3.6.1 Disabled passengers shall be transported in the service class in accordance with the purchased ticket. Passengers on a stretcher and passengers accompanied by a guide dog may only be transported in economy class.

3.6.2 During transportation, AZUR air LLC shall provide services taking into account the needs of the passenger with disabilities, ensuring the necessary conditions for AZUR air LLC's services to be provided (autonomously and/or accompanied) at all stages of transportation.

3.6.3 Disabled passengers and passengers with disabilities shall independently determine the possibility of air travel based on their health condition.

3.6.4 If the passenger's age, mental or physical state could cause their health to deteriorate during the flight or pose a danger to their life, such a passenger may travel on the condition that AZUR air LLC is not held liable for any negative consequences resulting from transportation.

The passenger shall determine the possibility of air travel based on their health condition. AZUR air LLC shall not be liable to passengers, including ill passengers and passengers with disabilities, for the possible consequences and/or deterioration of their health associated with air travel unless such consequences and/or deterioration of health were caused by the guilty actions (inaction) of AZUR air LLC.

3.6.5 To ensure flight safety and fulfill technical or operational requirements, AZUR air LLC has the right to limit the number of certain categories of passengers with special circumstances / deny carriage:

- if the state of their physical and/or mental health requires the provision of special transport conditions, or the transportation of the passenger may threaten safety or create unavoidable inconveniences for other persons, as well as in other cases provided for by aviation laws and these Rules;

- if the passenger needs additional oxygen during the flight. In accordance with AZUR air LLC policy, oxygen cylinders and cylinders containing compressed air shall not be transported in the passenger cabin (except in exceptional cases, upon agreement with AZUR air LLC).

3.6.6 AZUR air LLC employees do not carry out medical procedures, provide care, feed passengers, assist with hygiene and toilet needs, move the passenger (associated with their lifting), or care for the guide dog accompanying the passenger.

3.6.7 The presence of an accompanying person to take care of the passenger during the flight is mandatory for the following categories of passenger:

- a passenger with both vision and hearing impairments;

- a patient on a stretcher;

- a disabled child under the age of twelve;

- a passenger declared legally incompetent by a court (such passengers shall be accompanied by an adult passenger capable of ensuring the safety of the legally incompetent passenger and the safety of others).

3.6.8 A disabled child under the age of twelve shall only be transported if accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation, has obtained full legal status before reaching the age of eighteen.

3.6.9 Passengers with both vision and hearing impairments shall be transported accompanied by the passenger assisting them during the flight.

3.6.10 Blind or deaf passengers or passengers in a wheelchair may travel without an accompanying passenger.

3.6.11 Blind passengers may travel accompanied by a guide dog.

3.6.12 Passengers recognized by a court as legally incompetent may only travel at the petition of parents, adoptive parents, or guardians and when accompanied by an adult passenger who is capable of ensuring the safety of the incompetent passenger and the safety of the people around them. If during check-in it is determined that the passenger is legally incompetent but does not have a petition for travel and the accompanying persons, such passenger shall not be checked in.

3.6.13 Disabled passengers and passengers with disabilities in need of assistance must travel with an accompanying adult.

3.6.14 The accompanying person providing care for the passenger during the flight shall be at least 18 years old and shall be given a seat next to the disabled passenger in the same block of seats. The accompanying person shall comply with all cabin crew recommendations about the performance of procedures to ensure the safety of disabled passengers and persons with disabilities.

3.6.15 In order to travel without an accompanying person, the passenger must be able to perform the following actions on their own:

- Fasten/unfasten their seat belt;

- Reach for and put on a life jacket;

- Put on an oxygen mask without assistance;

- Understand security instructions and information transmitted in all available formats.

3.6.16 For disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities, wheelchairs and crutches (mobility aids) shall be transported free of charge and shall not be considered part of the free baggage allowance or cabin baggage allowance.

Restrictions due to safety requirements for disabled passengers and persons with disabilities

3.6.17 When transporting groups of disabled passengers and persons with disabilities, the organizer of the group travel shall notify AZUR air LLC of such a group in order to ensure the appropriate conditions for air travel.

3.6.18 AZUR air LLC employees do not carry disabled passengers or other passengers with disabilities nor do they assist them up/down the air stairs to board or disembark the aircraft.

3.6.19 Passengers using an electric wheelchair shall carry a set of keys/tools to disconnect the wheelchair battery terminals, as well as packaging for the battery in accordance with the ICAO's Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air. The battery terminals of an electric wheelchair shall be connected or disconnected by passengers autonomously or, if a request for services has been submitted, by the service organization.

3.6.20 Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities shall be given seats on board the aircraft taking into consideration the flight safety requirements.

3.6.21 Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities shall be allocated seats which are available at the time of the request, except for seats near emergency exits. Allocating disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities seats near the emergency exits is strictly prohibited.

3.6.22 AZUR air LLC shall take all possible measures to seat disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities next to the persons accompanying them on board the aircraft.

Booking for disabled passengers and other passengers with disabilities

3.6.23 Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities may contact AZUR air LLC or its agent (tour operator or travel agent) to book and conclude an air carriage agreement (agreement on the sale of a tourist product) directly at the points of sale of flight tickets, by phone or email, or book a passenger seat and carrying capacity independently through information systems.

3.6.24 When entering into an air carriage agreement, for the purpose of ensuring the necessary air transport conditions, disabled passengers and other passengers with disabilities must inform AZUR air LLC or the agent carrying out the booking, sale, and registration of travel documents, as well as the tour operator or travel agent when entering into an agreement on the sale of tourist products, on the limitations of such passenger and also on the overall dimensions, weight, and other characteristics of individual means of transport (including the presence and technical characteristics of batteries) carried on board the aircraft, at least 72 hours before the flight departs.

3.6.25 Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities shall be provided services at the airport and on board the aircraft according to a request for services.

3.6.26 A timely request for special boarding services speeds up the process and guarantees quality service at the airport and on board.

3.6.27 Disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities may submit a request for services as follows:

- when booking (conclusion of the air carriage agreement) at the point of sale of flight tickets;

- upon entering into an agreement for the sale of a tourist product with the tour operator (travel agent);

- independently, using the request form for services on board / at the airport available on the official AZUR air LLC website

3.6.28 Information on the services provided to disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities at the airport and the procedure for their provision is available on the airport's official website.

Services provided at the airport

3.6.29 For the timely provision of the requested services, disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities must arrive at the airport of departure in advance, before check-in begins.

3.6.30 Upon request, the following services shall be provided at the airport by the service organization at no additional charge to disabled passengers and other passengers with disabilities when booking and entering into an air carriage agreement or when entering into a contract for the sale of tourist products:

- accompanying and assisting passengers during check-in and baggage check-in;

- accompanying and assisting passengers in undergoing border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary control, as required by the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as when passing through security check;

- accompanying and assisting passengers with boarding, including, if necessary, using ambulifts for passengers with reduced mobility;

- priority boarding;

- disembarkation of passengers using wheelchairs and/or ambulifts after the other passengers have left the aircraft. This includes accompanying and assisting passengers in carrying items on their person on board the aircraft;

- meeting passengers in person by employees of the service agency at the arrival airport;

- accompanying and assisting passengers in moving around the terminal.

3.6.31 Upon request directly at the airport of the service organization, the following services shall be rendered without additional fees to disabled passengers and other passengers with disabilities:

- meeting at the place of arrival and assistance in moving around the airport if passengers have notified the carrier of their arrival;

- provision of wheelchairs and/or other means for moving passengers around the airport;

- provision of wheelchairs for temporary use for passengers not able to move independently in the event of delayed delivery of the passenger's special means of movement at the destination airport or intermediate airport, or loss of or damage of these means during air carriage;

- assistance in walking guide dogs.

Services provided on board the aircraft

3.6.32 The following services are provided on board AZUR air LLC aircraft to disabled passengers and other persons with special needs:

- familiarization with the rules of conduct on board the aircraft and other relevant information in a form accessible to the passenger;

- assistance in placing the passenger's cabin baggage on board the aircraft;

- provision of an on-board wheelchair for temporary use for the purpose of moving around on board the aircraft to passengers incapable of moving independently, upon request for the need for services; the maximum permissible passenger weight for accommodation in a wheelchair is 250 kg, with a width between the armrests of 34 cm.

Wheelchairs for passengers with limited mobility / ON-BOARD AIRCRAFT WHEELCHAIRS are operated by cabin crew members and are only used during horizontal flight;

- assistance in moving to the WC and back, only using the on-board aircraft wheelchair, for passengers unable to move independently.

Transportation of patients on a stretcher

3.6.33 Patients on a stretcher shall be transported as follows:

- with the provision of additional seats on the aircraft;

- only in the economy class cabin;

- with triple payment of the standard economy class fare;

- with an accompanying person(s) providing care for this passenger during the flight.

3.6.34 Patients on a stretcher shall be allocated seats in the cabin taking into account the following requirements:

- the placement may not interfere with the evacuation of other passengers;

- convenient evacuation of stretcher patients must be ensured.

3.6.35 Patients on a stretcher may only travel after preliminary coordination with all departments of AZUR air LLC and the service organizations of the departure and arrival airports participating in the organization of carriage for the passenger on a stretcher.

Passengers requiring medical oxygen for medical purposes

3.6.36 Supplemental oxygen shall be provided to MEDA (medical clearance form) passengers.

3.6.37 In some cases (in accordance with ICAO's Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, DOC 9284 AN/905), small cylinders (up to 5 kg) with gaseous oxygen or air necessary for medical purposes shall be transported together with the passenger in the cabin exclusively by the decision of AZUR air LLC under the following conditions:

- the patient is transported only with the permission of a medical institution;

- the passenger travels in the cabin of the aircraft only if accompanied by a medical professional;

- the oxygen cylinder must be labeled and numbered appropriately for the given equipment;

- the passenger or medical professional must have a permit indicating the number of the oxygen cylinder and the terms permitting the transportation of oxygen equipment in the aircraft cabin;

- the carriage of oxygen cylinders is regulated by the rules governing the carriage of cabin baggage by AZUR air LLC;

- control of the use of the oxygen cylinder, removal, folding, storage, and placement in the cabin baggage storage areas (in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger's seat) shall be carried out by the accompanying medical professional;

3.6.38 Oxygen cylinders must be kept in a special case and stored in the storage areas (in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger's seat) when not in use or when the "Fasten seat belts" sign is on.

3.6.39 It is prohibited to transport an oxygen cylinder in the aircraft cabin if there are no ill passengers on board.

3.7 Transportation of Pregnant Women

3.7.1 Pregnant women shall determine for themselves whether air travel is possible based on their health condition.

3.7.2 Pregnant women may only travel on the condition that AZUR air LLC is not held liable to the passenger for any adverse consequences that may arise for the passenger and fetus during travel or as a result of travel.

3.7.3 Pregnant women, especially in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy (during the last 8 weeks for multiple pregnancies) and within the first 7 days after delivery are advised to have a doctor's certificate confirming their satisfactory health condition after the 28th week of pregnancy or in the event of pregnancy complications.

3.7.4 For safety purposes, seating pregnant women by emergency exits is prohibited.

3.8 Transportation of Deported (Administratively Expelled) Passengers out of Russia

Deported passengers shall be transported in accordance with the requirements of government agencies at the expense of the federal budget.

3.9 Transportation of Passengers Who Are Not Admitted into the Country of Destination

3.9.1 For unauthorized passengers who arrived on an AZUR air LLC flight and were not permitted to enter the country due to a lack of visa, an expired passport, etc., or in cases where the competent state authorities made the decision to deport said passenger from the country, the authorized bodies shall draw up a deportation report.

3.9.2 If AZUR air LLC was forced to pay or deposit any amount, pay a fine or provide a financial guarantee due to the passenger's failure to comply with the requirements of applicable laws, failure to provide documents necessary for travel, presentation of forged documents or documents containing false information, the passenger shall, at the request of AZUR air LLC, refund it the amount paid or deposited, as well as all expenses incurred in connection with this matter.

3.10 Transportation of Deported Passengers and Persons in Custody

3.10.1 Deported passengers shall only be accepted for carriage on AZUR air LLC flights without layovers.

3.10.2 Persons expelled from the country by public authorities because of an expired visa, for political reasons or at the end of an imprisonment term, shall be accepted for carriage without accompanying persons.

3.10.3 Persons expelled from the country by state authorities in accordance with the decision to extradite the offender due to involvement in a criminal event, the hearing of which has not yet taken place shall only be accepted for carriage with at least two members of the authority (per deportee) performing police functions and only after coordinating the transportation with the competent authorities of the respective countries and notifying AZUR air LLC.

3.10.4 To ensure flight safety, AZUR air LLC shall have the right to receive information about the reasons for the person being deported from the country and, at its discretion, refuse to transport them.

3.10.5 The ticket for the transportation of a deported person shall be paid by the state authorities of the country that made the deportation decision. The requirements for ensuring the safety of transportation of persons in custody are similar to the requirements for the transportation of extradited deportees.

3.11 Transportation of Business Class Passengers

3.11.1 At the airport, business class passengers may be offered to visit the business lounge.

3.11.2 On board the aircraft, business class passengers shall be provided with enhanced comfort seats in a separate cabin.

3.11.3 On board the aircraft, business class passengers shall be provided with special services, including special meals, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, and additional equipment.

4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1 Passenger baggage shall be accepted for carriage as checked baggage and shall be transported in the baggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft. Items that the passengers carry on their person shall be transported in the aircraft cabin as unchecked baggage (cabin baggage).

4.1.2 The passenger's checked baggage must be transported on the same aircraft as the passenger.

4.1.3 AZUR air LLC has the right to deny carriage of a passenger's baggage if the weight, number of pieces, contents, size, or packaging do not meet the requirements of these Rules.

4.1.4 If a passenger does not show up for boarding after check-in, their baggage shall be subject to removal from the aircraft and mandatory inspection (including the baggage of a transit passenger who does not show up for boarding and their cabin baggage).

4.2 Free Baggage Allowance

4.2.1 When concluding a passenger air carriage agreement providing for free baggage allowance, the passenger shall have the right to carry their baggage within the limits established by AZUR air LLC at no additional cost (hereinafter, the "free baggage allowance").
All passengers, except for children under the age of 2, shall be given free baggage allowance within the established limit. The weight and dimension limits of the free baggage allowance are available on the official AZUR air LLC website
The free baggage allowance shall apply in accordance with the fare type indicated on the ticket.
AZUR air LLC shall have the right to establish exceptions to the standard free baggage allowance conditions on certain routes and/or for certain fares, notifying the passenger about this upon booking.

All passengers, except for children under the age of 2, shall be given free baggage allowance within the established limit. The weight and dimension limits of the free baggage allowance are available on the official AZUR air LLC website

The free baggage allowance shall apply in accordance with the fare type indicated on the ticket.

AZUR air LLC shall have the right to establish exceptions to the standard free baggage allowance conditions on certain routes and/or for certain fares, notifying the passenger about this upon booking.

4.2.2 AZUR air LLC or its agent shall inform the passenger of the free baggage allowance established during transportation, as well as of the need to pay for excess baggage or baggage subject to mandatory payment.

4.2.3 In case of a forced downgrade, the passenger shall have the right to carry baggage according to the free baggage allowance established for the service class purchased.

4.2.4 The free baggage allowance for children under the age of 2 traveling without a separate seat shall be one item weighing up to 10 kg.

4.2.5 The free baggage allowance shall not apply to:

- a passenger's belongings, regardless of their description and purpose, whose dimensions exceed 203 cm when packed (the sum of three dimensions of each baggage piece); such baggage shall be considered oversized;

- a passenger's belongings, regardless of their description and purpose if the weight of one baggage piece exceeds 30 kg; such baggage shall be considered heavy;

- pets (birds), except for guide dogs accompanying blind passengers.

Note. The transportation of such baggage shall be paid according to the published baggage rates, regardless of the passenger's other belongings carried as baggage.

4.2.6 Baggage shall be checked in to each passenger individually.

4.3 Checked Baggage

4.3.1 The passenger's baggage shall be accepted for carriage during check-in at the airport of departure. AZUR air LLC or the service organization shall issue a numbered baggage label to the passenger for each piece of checked baggage. The purpose of the label is to identify the baggage. For special transport conditions, a special unnumbered baggage label shall be attached to the checked baggage.

4.3.2 The weight of one baggage piece shall not exceed 50 kg, except for wheelchairs used by disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities. Heavy baggage shall be checked in and transported as cargo. For international carriage, other restrictions may be imposed on the maximum weight, dimensions, and quantity of checked baggage in connection with the current regulations and state requirements of the airport (city) of departure, airport (city) of transfer, and/or airport (city) of destination. AZUR air LLC has the right to refuse to accept baggage for carriage as checked baggage if its weight and size do not meet these requirements.

4.3.3 After accepting baggage for carriage, AZUR air LLC shall be responsible for the safekeeping of the baggage and its packaging.

4.3.4 From the time the baggage is checked in for carriage and until it is returned to the passenger, the passenger's access to the baggage shall be prohibited, except for the purposes of identification or additional inspection by the corresponding services.

4.4 Cabin Baggage (Items That Passengers May Carry in the Cabin)

4.4.1 Belongings carried on the passenger's person (cabin baggage) constitute unchecked baggage and shall be accepted for carriage in the aircraft cabin free of charge within the limits established by AZUR air LLC.

4.4.2 Cabin baggage may be taken on board within the established norms. The weight and dimensions limits for cabin baggage are available on the official AZUR air LLC website

4.4.3 No cabin baggage allowance is provided for children under the age of 2 traveling without a separate seat.

4.4.4 Cabin baggage shall be placed under the seat in front of the passenger's seat. Small light-weight items and the passenger's outerwear may be placed in the overhead bins.

4.4.5 At check-in, the passenger must present all baggage to be transported for the purpose of weighing, except for items that may be needed when boarding (disembarking from) the aircraft, as well as during the flight, if they are carried on the passenger's person and are not placed in the baggage:

- a backpack whose weight and dimensions are specified in Clause 4.4.2 hereof, a handbag, or a briefcase with items placed inside the backpack, handbag, or briefcase;

- a bouquet of flowers;

- outerwear;

- baby food for the child during the flight;

- a suit in a garment bag;

- in case of transporting a child, a child-carrying device (a bassinet, restraining systems (devices) for children up to the age of two, a stroller and other devices), whose dimensions do not exceed the standards specified on the official AZUR air LLC website, and allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger's seat;

- medicines and special dietary needs in the amount required for the flight;

- crutches, walking sticks, walkers, rollators, or a folding wheelchair used by the passenger, whose dimensions allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger's seat;

- goods bought at duty-free shops at the airport, packed in a sealed plastic bag, whose weight does not exceed 3 kg and the sum of its three dimensions does not exceed 115 cm.

Note. Personal belongings shall not be weighed, are not subject to check-in, and are not marked with labels.

4.4.6 The passenger shall take care of the safety of their cabin baggage. In the event of an interruption in the flight specified in the transport document, passengers must take the cabin baggage and personal belongings placed on board the aircraft with them when disembarking from the aircraft.

4.5 Paid (Excess, Oversized, Heavy) Baggage

4.5.1 Excess baggage, oversized baggage, and heavy baggage shall be accepted for carriage only if there is carrying capacity available on the aircraft and subject to payment by the passenger for the carriage of such baggage unless the carriage of such baggage has been agreed with AZUR air LLC and paid for or when transporting wheelchairs and other mobility aids used by a disabled passenger and other persons with disabilities. The passenger shall contact AZUR air LLC or an authorized agent in advance to coordinate the estimated weight and number of baggage pieces in excess of the established free baggage allowance.

4.5.2 The passenger shall pay for the carriage of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance at the carrier's rate in force at the time of payment.

4.5.3 If the passenger presents more baggage for carriage than was previously agreed with AZUR air LLC and paid for, this amount of baggage may be accepted for carriage only if there is free carrying capacity on the aircraft and the passenger pays for it.

4.5.4 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to restrict or deny carriage of the passenger's baggage if its weight exceeds the free baggage allowance established by AZUR air LLC and such carriage has not been previously agreed with AZUR air LLC.

4.5.5 If the baggage presented by the passenger for carriage at the point of departure is less than previously booked and paid for in terms of weight and/or size and/or number of pieces, the difference in payment between the paid and actual weight and/or size and/or number of pieces shall be refunded in accordance with these Rules.

4.5.6 The passenger has the right to reduce or, with the consent of AZUR air LLC, increase the weight and number of carried baggage pieces along the route.

4.5.7 If the passenger increases the weight and/or the number of baggage pieces along the route, they shall pay to transport any baggage whose weight or dimensions exceed the established free baggage allowance for the previously paid transport. If the passenger reduces the weight of the baggage transported along the route, AZUR air LLC shall make no recalculations of the previous payment made for the baggage.

4.5.8 When booking a seat on an aircraft or buying a passenger ticket, the passenger must inform AZUR air LLC or its agent about any oversized baggage.

4.5.9 Oversized baggage shall be accepted for carriage provided that the dimensions of the loading hatches and baggage/cargo compartments of the aircraft allow it to be loaded/unloaded onto/from the aircraft and placed on board the aircraft. Such baggage must have handles for carrying and devices for securing it when it is transported to the aircraft, from the aircraft and on board the aircraft.

4.5.10 The transportation of oversized baggage shall be paid according to the oversized baggage rates, regardless of the passenger's other belongings carried as baggage.

4.5.11 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to refuse the carriage of oversized baggage.

4.5.12 If it is necessary to transport excess and/or oversized baggage on aircrafts of several carriers, the carrier issuing the documents for this baggage shall obtain the consent of these carriers for such transport.

4.6 Payment for Excess, Oversized, and Heavy Baggage

4.6.1 The transportation of oversized baggage, heavy baggage, service dogs, pets and birds shall be paid based on its (their) actual weight, dimensions, and number of pieces according to the baggage rates established by AZUR air LLC, regardless of the passenger's other belongings carried as checked baggage. The exceptions, which are transported free of charge, are guide dogs traveling with blind passengers, wheelchairs, crutches, canes, walkers, and rollators used by a disabled passenger and other persons with disabilities, as well as baby strollers with dimensions that do not allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin in the overhead bins or under the seat in front of the passenger's seat.

4.6.2 When transporting excess baggage, if the passenger concluded a passenger air carriage agreement which provides for free baggage allowance, they shall pay the difference between the established free baggage allowance and the weight of the baggage pieces presented for carriage according to the baggage rates established by AZUR air LLC.

4.6.3 When transporting excess baggage, if the passenger concluded a passenger air carriage agreement which does not provide for free baggage allowance, the passenger shall pay for the carriage of such baggage according to the baggage rates established by AZUR air LLC.

4.6.4 Payment for the carriage of excess, oversized, and heavy baggage shall be formalized with a receipt for payment of excess baggage or a miscellaneous charges order.

4.7 Carry-On Baggage

4.7.1 Passenger baggage requiring special transportation conditions (for example, valuable, brittle, or fragile items) may be accepted for carriage in the passenger seat in the aircraft cabin if:

- the passenger agreed this service in advance with AZUR air LLC;

- the baggage has undergone special aviation safety inspection.

4.7.2 When transporting baggage in a separate passenger seat, the passenger shall pay for an additional seat (passenger seat) according to the passenger fare (in this case, the excess baggage fee will not be charged).

4.7.3 The weight of one baggage piece carried in the aircraft cabin shall not exceed 80 kg and its dimensions must allow it to be placed on a separate passenger seat.

4.7.4 The baggage shall be placed in a seat by the window and secured with a seat belt.

4.7.5 Baggage carried in the passenger seat is not subject to check-in. The passenger shall be responsible for its safekeeping and integrity.

4.7.6 The baggage shall be properly packed to prevent damage to the aircraft cabin equipment during transportation. The baggage package shall have a device for attaching it to the passenger seat.

4.7.7 The baggage is transported to the aircraft, lifted and placed in the aircraft cabin, and removed from the aircraft by the passenger carrying such baggage.

4.8 Requirements for Baggage Contents

4.8.1 For the purpose of aviation security, the following dangerous substances and items shall not be accepted for carriage in checked baggage or in items taken on board with passengers:

- objects that may harm the aircraft or persons on board (or property), animals and birds (except for pets (birds) and service dogs), insects, fish planting material, reptiles, rodents, experimental and sick animals; and also objects and substances which are prohibited to be transported by air as baggage by the laws of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, or by the laws of the country of departure, transit, or destination;

- explosives, demolition equipment and objects filled with them;

- compressed and liquefied gases;

- flammable liquids;

- flammable solids;

- oxidizing substances and organic peroxides;

- toxic substances;

- radioactive materials;

- caustic and corrosive substances;

- poisonous substances and warfare poisonous agents;

- firearms, cold and gas weapons (except in cases and in accordance with the procedures established by the laws of the Russian Federation);

- gas cartridges, pepper spray, etc. containing or disabling substances.

A detailed list of dangerous substances and items prohibited for carriage on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers is contained in the ICAO's Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284 AN/905) and Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 227 dated July 23, 2015.

4.8.2 Substances and items that may be carried by crew members and passengers in compliance with the required conditions.

In checked baggage in the cargo hold or baggage compartments of the aircraft with isolated access to the baggage by passengers during the flight:

- crossbows, spearguns, sabers, swords, scimitars, broadswords, swords, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, switchblades, blades with locks, imitations of any kind of weapons;

- household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm;

- alcoholic beverages containing more than 24% but maximum 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters; in containers intended for retail trade: no more than 5 liters per passenger for domestic flights and 2 liters per passenger for international flights;

- liquids and alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of no more than 24%;

- aerosols intended for sports or household use, toiletries (including aerosols), such as hair sprays, perfumes, colognes, and alcohol-containing medicines. Discharge valves of cans with caps that prevent the spontaneous release of their contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml, with the total weight of all products not exceeding 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;

- energy-saving light bulbs in a package for retail sale in quantities intended for home use;

- portable electronic devices containing lithium cells or batteries (watches, calculators, cameras, cell phones, laptops, video cameras, etc. for personal use by passengers or crew).

Note. If any dangerous items or substances that can be used as an attack weapon but are not prohibited for carriage on board the aircraft are found during pre-flight inspection, these shall be packed by the passenger and transported as checked baggage.

In belongings on the passenger's person:

- medical thermometer, one per passenger;

- mercury tonometer in a standard case, one per passenger;

- barometer or mercury manometer packed in a sealed container and sealed with the seal of the sender;

- disposable lighters, one per passenger;

- 3% hydrogen peroxide, no more than 100 ml per passenger;

- non-hazardous liquids, gels, and aerosols in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or the equivalent capacity in other units) packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag of no more than 1 liter, one bag per passenger;

- liquids purchased at duty-free shops at the airport or on board the aircraft shall be packed in a sealed plastic bag ensuring the identification of access to the contents of the package during the flight on which there is reliable evidence that this purchase was made at the airport duty-free shops or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of the trip.


- Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml shall not be accepted for carriage even if the capacity is only partially filled.

- Baby food and special dietary needs shall be excepted.

4.8.3 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to make a decision on introducing additional measures to ensure aviation security on flights with increased danger, as a result of which the following items are prohibited for carriage in the aircraft cabin:

- corkscrews;

- needles for hypodermic injections (unless a medical justification is provided);

- knitting needles;

- scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;

- folding (without a lock) travel knives, penknives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

4.8.4 Products and substances that may be transported as baggage with the permission of AZUR air LLC:

- dry ice for cooling perishable products:

- no more than 2.5 kg per passenger (on international flights departing from abroad, according to the requirements of the ICAO's Technical Instructions, Doc 9284 AN/905);

- no more than 2 kg per passenger on domestic and international flights departing from the Russian Federation (according to the requirements of Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 227 dated July 23, 2015).

- small cylinders (weighing up to 5 kg) with gaseous oxygen or air necessary for medical purposes;

- a mercury barometer or a thermometer carried by a passenger who is an employee of a federal executive body in the field of hydrometeorology. Barometers or thermometers shall be packed in sturdy external packaging, containing a sealed inner liner/bag made of strong impermeable or puncture-resistant material that does not allow mercury to pass through to prevent mercury from leaking out of the package, regardless of its position. AZUR air LLC (the aircraft captain) shall be informed of the presence of a barometer or thermometer;

- a maximum of two small cylinders of carbon dioxide or other appropriate category 2.2 gas as per ICAO's technical instructions, carried by one passenger only, inserted into the self-inflating lifejacket for inflating purposes, plus no more than two spare charges for it;

- heat-releasing products (i.e. equipment powered by a battery, such as underwater lighters, and soldering equipment that, if accidentally turned on, will emit a large amount of heat). The heat-emitting component or energy source shall be removed to prevent unintended operation during transportation;

- wheelchairs or other battery-powered mobile means intended for use by passengers with reduced mobility due to disability, impairment of health or old age, or as a result of a temporary problem that limits their motor abilities (for example, a leg fracture) shall be transported as checked baggage.

4.8.5 Wheelchairs with helium-type batteries may be transported without disconnecting the battery, provided the battery clamp is isolated.

4.8.6 It is not recommended for a passenger to pack fragile or perishable items, banknotes, jewelry, precious metals, computers, electronic means of communication, securities and other valuables, business documents, passports, identity cards, keys, or other similar items in their checked baggage.

4.8.7 The passenger shall be responsible for the transportation of items prohibited for carriage or handed over for carriage without observing the requirements and conditions of carriage established by these Rules.

4.9 Transportation of Portable Electronic Devices (PED) Containing Batteries

4.9.1 Due to incidents related to certain types of PEDs setting on fire, portable electronic devices containing lithium and other types of batteries (including medical devices, oxygen concentrators and consumer electronics, such as cameras, mobile phones, laptops, tablets and chargers, electronic cigarettes and others) shall only be transported in the passenger cabin of the aircraft (cabin baggage), where, in the event of an incident, measures to eliminate its consequences can be taken immediately. It is recommended not to use or charge portable electronic devices containing lithium batteries in the aircraft cabin.

4.9.2 Spare batteries shall:

- only be transported in cabin baggage;

- be protected so as to prevent short circuits by placing them in their retail packaging or taping the exposed terminals or by placing each battery in a separate plastic bag (protective bag).

4.9.3 The following terms and conditions shall apply to lithium batteries. Each inserted or spare battery shall not exceed the following limits:

- for lithium metal or lithium alloy batteries, the lithium content shall not exceed 2 g;

- for lithium ion batteries, the capacity shall not exceed 100 Wh.

4.9.4 Devices containing lithium metal or lithium ion cells and batteries designed to power other devices, such as portable chargers:

- shall only be transported in cabin baggage;

- shall be protected against short circuits by placing them in their original packaging or by isolating the contacts, i.e. sealing the contacts with electrical tape or placing each battery in a separate plastic bag (protective bag).

4.10 Transportation of Weapons, Ammunition and Impact Munition

4.10.1 Air carriage of weapons, ammunition, and impact munition (hereinafter, "weapons") shall be carried out in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the regulatory documents of federal executive authorities, laws of other countries, and international treaties of the Russian Federation developed thereunder.

4.10.2 If the flight route crosses an international border, the matter of carrying weapons on board shall be regulated in advance by the passenger with the appropriate authorities of the countries concerned in order to comply with the laws and regulations in force in these countries. The passenger must have permission to enter/exit the country with weapons issued by the competent authorities of the state.

4.10.3 The rules for the import/export of weapons to/from the Russian Federation are regulated by the requirements of Order of the National Guard of the Russian Federation No. 338 dated September 28, 2019 "On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the National Guard of the Russian Federation for the Provision of Public Services for Issuing a Permit to a Citizen of the Russian Federation to Import into or Export from the Russian Federation Civilian or Honorary Weapons and Cartridges for Them."

4.10.4 In accordance with Federal Law No. 150-FZ dated December 13, 1996 "On Weapons," foreign citizens shall be allowed to import sports and hunting weapons into Russia if they possess an invitation from a legal entity that has a hunting license, a hunting contract with said legal entity, or an invitation to participate in sporting events and the corresponding permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

4.10.5 Domestically produced electric shock devices and spark gaps are classified as civilian weapons and shall be transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting electric shock devices, it is necessary to have a document with the technical characteristics to be checked by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the compliance of the device's output parameters with the established state standards of the Russian Federation. The circulation of electric shock devices manufactured outside of Russia is prohibited and their transportation is also prohibited.

4.10.6 The weight of ammunition transported shall not exceed 5 kg per passenger. Pneumatic devices with muzzle energy above 3 J are classified as civilian weapons and transported in the manner prescribed for other weapons. When transporting airguns with a muzzle energy greater than 7.5 J and a caliber greater than 4.5 mm, passengers must have permission to carry and store them.

4.10.7 Cartridges for gas weapons and cartridges with tear-producing (irritating) action are prohibited for carriage.

4.10.8 Weapons owned by passengers who are entitled to store and carry them shall be obligatorily transferred to AZUR air LLC at the airport of departure for temporary storage for the period of the flight and returned to the passenger upon termination of the flight at the airport of destination.

4.10.9 When the weapons are received from the passenger for temporary storage for the flight duration, a certificate shall be compiled by an authorized officer of the airport, which shall be signed by the passenger owning the weapon and the authorized officer of the airport.

4.10.10 At the airport of destination, the weapons shall be returned to the passenger by an authorized airport employee upon presentation of a third copy of the certificate, a document proving their identity, a document on the right to carry and store weapons, and if necessary, the appropriate authorization for import into and export from the Russian Federation.

4.10.11 An unclaimed weapon at the airport of destination shall be handed over by an authorized airport employee to the internal affairs bodies.

4.11 Transportation of Pets (Birds), Guide Dogs, and Service Dogs

General provisions

4.11.1 Pets and birds may be transported on AZUR air LLC flights as unchecked baggage (cabin baggage) in the aircraft cabin or as baggage in the baggage hold of the aircraft.

4.11.2 The following pets (birds) may be accepted for carriage: dogs, cats, canaries, parakeets.

4.11.3 Rodents, hares, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods and ill animals shall not be accepted for carriage.

4.11.4 Domestic animals (birds), guide dogs, and service dogs shall be accepted for carriage only with the confirmed consent of AZUR air LLC.

4.11.5 The passenger must inform AZUR air LLC or an agent about the carriage of pets (birds), guide dogs, and service dogs when booking or purchasing a passenger ticket but no later than 48 hours before the departure time.

4.11.6 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to refuse carriage to a passenger with an animal if the carriage of the animal has not been booked and confirmed.

4.11.7 For transportation on the aircraft, the following number of animals is allowed:

- 4 containers (cages) with pets of one (non-antagonistic) species or no more than 2 antagonistic species;

- 2 guide dogs / service dogs.

4.11.8 The weight of a pet (bird) or service dog and the weight of the container (cage) and food intended for feeding the pet (bird) shall not be included in the free baggage allowance and shall be paid by the passenger as an additional piece of baggage according to the baggage rates set by AZUR air LLC, regardless of other items carried by the passenger as baggage.

4.11.9 Pets (birds) shall be accepted for carriage provided that the passenger assumes all responsibility for them. AZUR air LLC shall not be liable for any injuries, illnesses, or death of such pets and birds nor in the event of denied entry to or transit through any country or territory.

4.11.10 For a number of countries, there are special rules for entering with pets. Passengers may find the necessary information on the rules for importing animals into the country of destination on the official website of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.

4.11.11 The passenger shall provide the necessary documents stipulated by the laws of the Russian Federation, international treaties, and the laws of the country of departure, transit, or destination:

- For domestic flights:

- Veterinary certificate Form No. 1, valid for 5 days from the date of issue and up until the start of transportation of animals.

- For international flights:

- International veterinary certificate standard, Form 5a, issued on the basis of a veterinary certificate and registered at the veterinary service of the border control point.

- Certificate of the breeding value of the animal for export.

4.11.12 Bird cages shall be covered with a dense, blackout cloth.

4.11.13 It is PROHIBITED to feed pets (birds), guide dogs / service dogs during check-in and on the flight.

4.11.14 Passengers with pets (birds), guide dogs, or service dogs shall only be permitted to travel in economy class.

4.11.15 Passengers with guide dogs and service dogs shall be accommodated in certain seats specific to each aircraft.

Transportation of guide dogs and service dogs in the cabin of the aircraft

4.11.16 Dogs accompanying blind passengers and service dogs shall be transported in the cabin of the aircraft without a container, upon the agreement of AZUR air LLC. No fee shall be charged for their transport.

4.11.17 With the approval of AZUR air LLC, guide dogs and service dogs may be transported in the cabin of the aircraft, upon presentation of the following documents to AZUR air LLC:

- confirmation of the passenger's disability;

- confirmation that the passenger accompanying the service dog is an employee of the cynological service of a federal executive body;

- confirmation of the guide dog's special training;

- veterinary certificates (other documents, if necessary).

4.11.18 A guide dog or service dog shall have a collar and a muzzle and be tied to the seat at the feet of the passenger it accompanies.

4.11.19 No more than 2 guide dogs / service dogs are allowed on the aircraft for transportation.

Transportation of pets (birds) in the aircraft cabin

4.11.20 In the aircraft cabin, it is permitted to transport pets (tamed animals) (birds) as baggage accompanied by a legally competent passenger in containers or cages.

4.11.21 The dimensions of the container (cage) shall correspond to the size of the animal and the sum of the three dimensions shall not exceed 115 cm, in order to be able to safely place it under the seat in front of the passenger's seat. The dimensions of the container (cage) shall allow the animal to stand up to its full height and turn around.

4.11.22 The total weight of the cage and pet (bird) shall not exceed 8 kg.

4.11.23 The pet (bird) shall be placed in a sturdy container (cage) providing the necessary amenities for transport, with air access and a reliable lock. The bottom of the container (cage) shall be waterproof and covered with an absorbent material. The container (cage) shall prevent the spillage of the absorbent material.

4.11.24 An animal transported by air shall be inside a closed container (cage) for the entire time on the aircraft (during the flight, while taxiing, boarding/disembarking, etc.).

4.11.25 During the flight, the container (cage) with a pet (bird) in the cabin shall be placed under the seat in front.

4.11.26 Passengers with pets (birds) shall be accommodated in certain seats specific to each aircraft.

4.11.27 The transportation of antagonistic pets (dogs/cats) in the same row of seats is PROHIBITED.

4.11.28 Pets (birds) and service dogs shall be transported in the baggage and cargo hold of the aircraft if the pet and the container (cage) together weigh more than 8 kg but no more than 50 kg. This weight shall not be included in the free baggage allowance and shall be paid by the passenger as an additional piece of baggage according to the baggage rates established by AZUR air LLC, regardless of the passenger's other items carried as baggage.

4.11.29 If the weight of the pet together with the cage exceeds 50 kg, it shall be checked in and transported as cargo.

4.12 Transportation of Quarantined Products as Baggage The transportation of quarantined products (plants, products of plant origin, packaging, soil or other organisms, objects or material that may become carriers of harmful organisms or contribute to the spread of pests) shall be carried out in accordance with the international treaties of the Russian Federation on plant quarantine and the laws on plant quarantines in the country of departure, transit, or destination.

4.13 Transportation of Ski, Snowboard, and Hockey Equipment; Golf Equipment, Fishing Equipment, Diving/Surfing Equipment, Bicycles, and Other Sports Equipment and Supplies

4.13.1 A set of ski equipment includes:

- 1 case with 1 pair of skis + 1 pair of ski poles;

- 1 baggage piece consisting of 1 pair of boots; or

- 1 case with 1 pair of water skis.

4.13.2 A set of snowboard equipment includes:

- 1 case with 1 snowboard;

- 1 case with 1 pair of boots.

4.13.3 A set of hockey equipment includes:

- 1 case with equipment;

- 1 case with 2 sticks.

4.13.4 A set of golf equipment includes a set of sticks, balls, and shoes, packed in one bag.

4.13.5 A set of fishing equipment includes:

- 2 fishing rods;

- 1 set of hooks and lines.

4.13.6 A set of equipment for surfing includes:

- surfboard, no more than 2 boards;

- set of board fins, no more than 3;

- fastening devices, 1 pair;

- wetsuit, 1;

- diving shoes, no more than 2 pairs;

- other accessories with a maximum total weight of 5 kg.

4.13.7 A set of diving equipment includes:

- buoyancy compensator, 1;

- wetsuit, 1;

- helmet, 1;

- gloves, 1 pair;

- boots or fins, 1 pair;

- a manometer, regulator (octopus), and mask with a tube and other accessories with a maximum total weight of 5 kg.

4.13.8 Skiing, snowboarding, hockey, golf, fishing, diving and surfing equipment, bicycles, and other sports equipment are not included in the free baggage allowance and shall be paid according to the rates approved by AZUR air LLC.

4.13.9 The transportation of bicycles is permitted provided the following conditions are met:

- the bicycle must be properly packaged in a special paper box or protective film to prevent the fork of the front wheel from moving;

- the handlebar is attached to the bicycle;

- the pedals are dismantled.

4.13.10 The transportation of athletic poles is not included in the free baggage allowance standard and is paid at the oversized baggage rate.

4.13.11 Additional space within the free checked baggage shall not be taken into account when determining the fares for the payment of baggage for the transportation of ski or snowboard equipment, is not indicated on the ticket, and is provided during check-in for the flight.

4.13.12 Passengers can find information on the rates for transportation of sports equipment on the official AZUR air LLC website

4.14 Baggage Packing

4.14.1 Each checked baggage piece shall have serviceable packaging that ensures its safety during transport and handling and excludes the possibility of harm to passengers, crew members, third parties, damage to the aircraft, other passengers' baggage or other property.

4.14.2 Two or more pieces with separate packages may not be joined together as one item.

4.14.3 Baggage whose packaging contains sharp, protruding objects and baggage in faulty packaging shall not be accepted for carriage.

4.14.4 Baggage with signs of external damage that does not affect its safety during transport and handling and does not cause a risk of harm to passengers, crew members, and third parties or a risk of damage to the aircraft, other passenger baggage or other property may be accepted for carriage as checked baggage with AZUR air LLC's consent. In this case, the presence and type of damage shall be confirmed by the passenger against signature.

4.14.5 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to refuse a passenger's baggage as checked baggage if the baggage is not placed in packaging that ensures its safekeeping under normal handling conditions.

4.15 Baggage Delivery

4.15.1 AZUR air LLC shall notify passengers on the causes and duration of any delay in the delivery of baggage and ensure the delivery of baggage to passengers.

4.15.2 The passengers shall collect their checked baggage once it has been delivered to the destination point according to the torn-off section of their numbered baggage label.

4.15.3 The baggage shall be handed over at the airport which was indicated as the destination upon acceptance of the baggage for carriage. However, at the passenger's request, baggage may also be handed over at the point of departure or at an intermediate landing point, as long as the delivery of baggage at these points is not prohibited by the rules of the state authorities and if the time and circumstances allow for such delivery.

4.15.4 In the event of baggage being delivered to the point of departure or at an intermediate point of landing, all amounts previously paid to AZUR air LLC in connection with the carriage of this baggage may be refunded only with the consent of AZUR air LLC.

4.15.5 If the person claiming the baggage cannot present the torn-off section of the baggage label, AZUR air LLC may hand over the baggage to such a person only if sufficient evidence of their rights to such baggage is provided. It is compulsory to draw up a certificate on the issue of such baggage.

4.16 Storage, Search, and Sale of Baggage

4.16.1 The checked baggage shall be stored for two days at the airport to which the baggage is delivered in accordance with the passenger's air carriage agreement, including the day of arrival of the aircraft on which the checked baggage is delivered, without charging an additional fee.

4.16.2 The further storage of checked baggage shall be provided by AZUR air LLC or the service organization. The costs for storing baggage not claimed by the passenger within the period established by this clause shall be reimbursed in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation.

4.16.3 If checked baggage with a properly issued numbered baggage label arrives at the airport (point) of destination, transfer, or stopover and is not received or claimed by the passenger, AZUR air LLC shall search for the owner of the checked baggage.

4.16.4 If the search for the owner of the checked baggage is successful, AZUR air LLC shall provide written notice to the owner of the checked baggage about the need to pick up the baggage and the procedure for obtaining or delivering the baggage.

4.16.5 The checked baggage shall be stored for six months as of the date on which the owner of the checked baggage is notified of the need to collect the baggage, and in the event that the owner of the checked baggage is not found, as of the date of the aircraft's arrival at the airport. If the passenger fails to collect the checked baggage after the specified period, the baggage may be sold or destroyed in accordance with the procedure established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4.16.6 The storage of baggage, subject to customs control, and its disposal shall be carried out in the manner established by the customs laws of the Russian Federation.

4.16.7 In the event of the arrival of non-documented baggage to the airport, AZUR air LLC shall prepare a report. Non-documented baggage shall be weighed and opened and its contents shall be described and sealed. The baggage shall be opened by a commission created by AZUR air LLC or a service organization. AZUR air LLC shall check the baggage and cross-reference with passenger applications for non-receipt of baggage, as well as forward requests to the airports from which the baggage could have arrived. If the non-documented baggage matches a baggage request, it shall be delivered in accordance with this request. Non-documented baggage shall be stored for the duration of the search for the baggage owner.

4.16.8 If, during the search for checked baggage, its contents spoil after a certain period of storage, or if the temperature, humidity, or other environmental conditions affect it adversely (hereinafter, "perishable baggage") and there is a risk of spoilage, AZUR air LLC shall be entitled to immediately destroy all perishable baggage or part thereof.

4.16.9 If AZUR air LLC fails to deliver checked baggage to the airport where the baggage is to be delivered in accordance with the passenger's air carriage agreement, then at the passenger's written request compiled on the basis of the travel document, AZUR air LLC shall provide the necessary measures to search for the checked baggage, including:

- sending a request to the departure airport for baggage;

- sending requests to airports where the baggage could have been delivered erroneously;

- sending a request to forward the baggage if it is found.

4.16.10 AZUR air LLC shall search for the baggage as soon as the passenger submits an application for non-receipt of baggage. In the event that AZUR air LLC has not handed over to the passenger a piece of checked baggage subject to customs clearance at the airport to which the baggage is to be delivered in accordance with the passenger air carriage agreement, AZUR air LLC shall inform the passenger about the actions to be performed by the passenger in accordance with the customs laws of the Russian Federation or the laws of the country to which the baggage is to be delivered, for the purpose of delivering the baggage to the passenger at the address indicated by them.

4.16.11 If the checked baggage is found, AZUR air LLC shall notify the owner of the checked baggage and ensure its delivery to the airport (point) indicated by the passenger and, at the request of the passenger, to an address indicated by them without charging an additional fee.

4.16.12 In the event of the arrival of checked baggage whose numbered baggage label indicates an airport (point) other than the airport(s) (point(s)) to which the baggage is to be delivered according to the passenger's air carriage agreement ("mishandled baggage"), AZUR air LLC shall search for the owner of such baggage and provide storage of such baggage for the entire duration of the search for the baggage owner.

4.16.13 In the event of the arrival of mishandled baggage to the airport, AZUR air LLC shall cross reference with existing requests for baggage.

4.16.14 If corresponding requests for baggage are found, AZUR air LLC shall send the baggage in accordance with the request for baggage.

4.16.15 If there are no corresponding requests for baggage, AZUR air LLC shall provide notification to the airport from which the baggage arrived and send the baggage in accordance with the data indicated on the numbered baggage label. If it is impossible to send the baggage to the airport according to the numbered baggage label, AZUR air LLC shall send the baggage to the airport from which the baggage arrived.

4.17 Lost and Found

4.17.1 Cabin baggage and belongings forgotten by a passenger on board the aircraft and found after the flight shall be stored at the airport at which they were found for a period of six months as of the date of arrival of the aircraft at the airport. After six months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the airport, the cabin baggage and personal belongings may be sold or destroyed in the manner prescribed by the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation or in accordance with the laws of the country where the forgotten items were found.

AZUR air LLC provides third-party liability insurance to its passengers, which covers liability for personal injury (life and health) and damage to passenger property during transportation in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws of the Russian Federation. Information about the insurer (name, location, postal address, phone number) and the compulsory insurance contract (number, date of execution, term) is available on the official AZUR air LLC website

The procedure for passengers or other beneficiaries to submit claims for the payment of insurance indemnity, as well as the procedure and terms for its payment, are established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

The liability of AZUR air LLC for harm caused to a passenger's life or health during air carriage shall be determined in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, or, if the Air Code of the Russian Federation or the passenger air carriage agreement does not provide for a higher amount of compensation for such harm, in accordance with the civil laws of the Russian Federation.

6.1 General Requirements

6.1.1 AZUR air LLC shall be liable to the aircraft passenger according to the procedure prescribed by the laws of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, and the passenger's air carriage agreement.

6.1.2 AZUR air LLC and the passenger shall be liable for violating customs, currency, sanitary, quarantine, and other rules in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

6.1.3 Passengers arriving to / departing from the Russian Federation and continuing their trip in transit/transfer with a layover in the Russian Federation, as well as baggage imported to / exported from the Russian Federation, shall be subject to border, customs, and other rules established in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

6.1.4 The passenger must comply with the laws and other regulatory documents of the competent state authorities of the country from/to, or through which the air carriage of passengers and baggage is carried out, concerning the fulfillment of requirements on aviation security and customs, sanitary quarantine, immigration, veterinary, and phytosanitary quarantine control, as well as currency and other types of control.

6.1.5 During border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary, and other types of control, the passenger must comply with the requirements of the relevant state control authorities.

6.1.6 At the state border checkpoints, the passenger must present entry/exit documents, medical documents, and other documents established by the competent state authorities of the countries from/to or through which air carriage of the passenger and baggage is carried out.

6.1.7 Relations between state control authorities and the passenger arising in connection with international air carriage of passengers and baggage shall be managed exclusively by the passenger and are not the responsibility of AZUR air LLC.

6.1.8 AZUR air LLC shall not be responsible for the presence, reliability, and correctness of the documents issued by competent state authorities and presented for air carriage of passengers and baggage.

6.1.9 AZUR air LLC has the right to refuse air carriage of passengers and baggage if the documents for such transport have not been submitted by the passenger in full or have been executed incorrectly. AZUR air LLC shall not be liable to the passenger for any expenses incurred by the latter due to non-compliance with the requirements of state control authorities on the air carriage of passengers and baggage.

6.1.10 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable for a passenger being late for a flight due to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary, and other controls.

6.2 Liability of AZUR air LLC for the Loss, Shortage of, or Damage to Baggage and Cabin Baggage

6.2.1 AZUR air LLC shall be liable for the loss, shortage of, or damage (spoilage) to baggage after it has been accepted for air carriage and before it is handed over to the passenger or before it is handed over to another individual or legal entity in accordance with the established rules unless it proves that all reasonable measures were taken to prevent harm or that such measures could not be taken.

6.2.2 AZUR air LLC shall be liable for the safety of cabin baggage unless it proves that the loss, shortage of, or damage to (spoilage) of cabin baggage occurred as a result of circumstances that the carrier could not prevent and the elimination of which did not depend on it, or due to the passenger's intent.

6.2.3 AZUR air LLC shall be liable for the loss, shortage of, or damage to (spoilage) of baggage / cabin baggage during air carriage, to the following extent:

- for the loss, shortage of, or damage (spoilage) baggage accepted for air carriage with a declaration of value, to the amount of the declared value;

- for the loss, shortage of or damage (spoilage) to baggage accepted for air carriage on domestic flights without a declaration of value, to the amount of its value but no more than six hundred (600) rubles per kilogram of baggage weight;

- for the loss, shortage of, or damage (spoilage) to baggage accepted for air carriage on international flights without a declaration of value, to the amount stipulated by international agreements of the Russian Federation;

- for the loss, shortage of, or damage (spoilage) to cabin baggage, to the amount of its value, and if the value cannot be established, to the maximum amount of eleven thousand rubles.

6.2.4 AZUR air LLC shall be liable for the loss of or damage (spoilage) to mobility aids (including wheelchairs) belonging to disabled passengers and other persons with disabilities in the amount of the cost of such aids.

6.2.5 The cost of baggage / cabin baggage shall be determined based on the price indicated in the seller's invoice or provided for by the agreement, and in its absence, based on the average price for a similar product in the place where the baggage was subject to delivery on the day of voluntary satisfaction of such claim or on the day of judgment if the claim was not satisfied voluntarily.

6.3 AZUR air LLC's Liability for Late Arrival of Passengers and Baggage

6.3.1 In the event of late delivery of a passenger or baggage to the destination, AZUR air LLC shall pay a fine in the amount of twenty-five percent of the minimum wage established by federal laws for each hour of delay but no more than fifty percent of the transport fee unless it proves that the delay was due to force majeure, repair of an aircraft malfunction that threatened passenger life or health, or other circumstances beyond the control of AZUR air LLC.

6.4 Conditions of Exemption from Liability of AZUR air LLC

6.4.1 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable for and shall not compensate any losses caused directly or indirectly by its compliance with laws, regulations, rules, and instructions of state bodies and these Rules, or due to non-compliance therewith by the passenger.

6.4.2 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable and shall not compensate any losses incurred through no fault of AZUR air LLC or caused by any reason beyond its control (including natural disasters, meteorological conditions, acts of unlawful interference, requirements of state bodies, etc.).

6.4.3 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable in case of death or harm to passenger health as a result of their health condition.

6.4.4 AZUR air LLC shall not be held liable if it proves that the loss, shortage of, or damage to baggage occurred due to circumstances that it could not prevent or the elimination of which did not depend on it, in particular, due to:

- the fault of the person who handed over or received the baggage;

- the innate characteristics or properties of the transported items;

- packaging defects which could not be noticed upon external inspection of the accepted baggage;

- special characteristics or properties of items or substances in the baggage that require special conditions or precautions during their transportation and storage.

6.4.5 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable for:

- decrease in the weight of the transported baggage if it arrives and is received by the passenger properly packaged and without traces of theft or damage unless the passenger proves that the baggage shortage occurred and was due to the fault of AZUR air LLC;

- late delivery of baggage due to circumstances beyond the control of AZUR air LLC, in particular, due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, natural disasters, interference in the transportation process by unauthorized persons, etc.;

- damage to and loss of banknotes, jewelry, precious metals, silver items, securities and business papers, medicines, keys, passports, certificates, fragile, perishable, and other items checked in as baggage that require special storage measures during transportation.

6.4.6 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable in the event of the passenger's refusal of the services provided and shall not be obliged to compensate the losses incurred by the passenger due to such refusal.

6.4.7 AZUR air LLC shall not be liable (including materially) for lost personal items (including any electronic devices) that, as a result of the passenger's action or inaction, fell or rolled into the aircraft's technological recesses whose access is limited or impossible due to the design features of the aircraft.

6.5 Passenger's Liability

6.5.1 The passenger shall be liable to AZUR air LLC in the cases established by these Rules, the Fare Application Rules of AZUR air LLC, and/or the terms and conditions of the carriage agreement, to the amount applicable in each such case in accordance with the Fare Application Rules and/or the amount of losses incurred by AZUR air LLC (as defined by Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) incurred by the latter in each such case as a result of actions/inaction by the passenger committed intentionally or through gross negligence.

6.5.2 The passenger shall be liable for violation of customs, currency, sanitary, quarantine, and other rules in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

6.5.3 The passenger shall be liable for violation/non-performance of:

- these Rules of Carriage;

- the Passenger Rules of Conduct on Board AZUR air LLC Aircraft;

- the orders of the aircraft captain;

- fire safety, sanitary, hygiene, anti-epidemic, and other similar rules;

- rules for carriage of hazardous substances or items;

- flight safety rules (attempts to open a door or aircraft hatch, refusal to fasten their seat belt, smoking in an aircraft or non-designated areas in the terminal building, etc.).

6.5.4 The passenger shall be liable for violating a public or other order in air terminals and city agencies, airports, airfields, and aircraft, including for illegal actions against other passengers and employees of AZUR air LLC.

6.5.5 The limits of administrative and criminal liability shall be established in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation or the laws of the country of visit/stay.

7.1 General Requirements

7.1.1 The grounds for AZUR air LLC's material liability in case of loss, shortage of, or damage (spoilage) to checked baggage and delay in delivery of baggage shall be a commercial certificate / PIR drawn up when the baggage is delivered to the arrival hall and handed over to the Lost and Found counter (without leaving the baggage claim area) to certify the event of improper carriage of the passenger's baggage.

7.1.2 In the event of damage to the baggage, the person entitled to receive it shall submit a written claim to AZUR air LLC.

7.1.3 A cargo irregularity report / commercial certificate / PIR is not a written claim.

7.1.4 If baggage is received without any objection (the person in whose name the baggage is checked does not make any claims upon receipt of the checked baggage), it shall be deemed to have been delivered in proper conditions and in accordance with the transport documents unless proved otherwise.

7.1.5 In case of violation of the air carriage agreement, the passenger shall have the right to file a claim against AZUR air LLC. Claims shall be accepted in writing and, if possible, in the official language of the Russian Federation (Russian), in the form of an application, with the attachment of the originals (if any) or duly certified copies of documents confirming the passenger's right to demand compensation. The claim shall be signed personally by the applicant or by their legal representative (with the attachment of documents confirming the legal representative's status); otherwise, the claim shall not be considered. Claims shall be sent to the following address: 14 Kozhevnicheskaya St., Floor 2, Office XII, Moscow, 115114 Russia. The claim may also be submitted as an electronic document signed with an electronic signature.

7.1.6 Claims received by email without an electronic signature, by phone, fax, orally, or left as messages on the website shall not be accepted for consideration by AZUR air LLC.

7.1.7 The persons entitled to make claims in case of violation of the passenger air carriage agreement are as follows:

- in case of loss, shortage of or damage (spoilage) to baggage, as well as late delivery, the passenger or a person authorized by them (on the basis of a duly executed power of attorney from the passenger) upon submission of the baggage receipt or commercial act;

- in case of termination of the passenger air carriage agreement at AZUR air LLC's initiative, the passenger.

7.2 Term for Submission of Claims to AZUR air LLC

7.2.1 Time frames and procedure for submitting claims in connection with domestic air carriage: A claim against AZUR air LLC in connection with domestic air carriage shall be submitted within six months. The specified term shall be calculated from the day of occurrence of the event which is the basis for submitting the claim.

7.2.2 Time frames and procedure for submitting claims in connection with international air carriage: In the event of shortage of or damage (spoilage) to baggage during international air carriage, the person authorized to receive the baggage shall submit a claim to AZUR air LLC in writing or in the form of an electronic document signed with an electronic signature from the moment of detecting the shortage of or damage (spoilage) to the baggage but no later than seven days from the date of receiving the baggage. In the event of late delivery of baggage, the claim shall be submitted to AZUR air LLC within twenty-one days from the date of transfer of the baggage to the person authorized to receive it. In the event of loss of baggage, the passenger shall have the right to submit a claim to AZUR air LLC for compensation of the damage related to the loss of baggage if the loss of baggage is recognized by AZUR air LLC or if the baggage has not arrived within twenty-one days as of the day it was supposed to arrive.

7.2.3 AZUR air LLC shall have the right to accept the claim for consideration after the expiry of the established period if it recognizes that the claim submission deadline was missed due to a valid reason.

7.3 Procedure for Drawing up and Submitting Claims

7.3.1 The submitted claim shall be stated in writing in the form of an application/claim and contain all the information necessary for its consideration.

7.3.2 The claim must specify:

- the name of the carrier to whom the claim is submitted;

- the name, postal address, and contact details (phone number, email address) of the person who made the claim;

- the circumstances providing the basis for the claim, content of the claim;

- the amount payable under the claim and its calculation, confirmed by documents (receipts, invoices, cash register receipts, etc.);

- a list of the documents attached to the claim;

- the applicant's signature.

Documents that must be attached to the claim

- original or certified copies of documents attesting to the conclusion of the carriage agreement and confirming the applicant's right to file a claim;

- a commercial certificate / PIR confirming the shortage of or damage to the baggage;

- a document confirming the extent of the damage caused by the loss, shortage of, or damage to the baggage.

7.3.3 If the application/claim is submitted without the above documents attached, AZUR air LLC shall have the right to additionally request the required documents, specifying the deadline for their submission, and once the deadline has passed, the claim shall be considered according to the available documents.

7.3.4 Claims shall be submitted separately for each transport document.

7.3.5 The absence of a commercial certificate shall not deprive a passenger of the right to submit a claim.

7.3.6 If the claim is rejected, all original documents submitted by the applicant upon submission of the claim shall be returned to them together with the notice of rejection.

7.3.7 AZUR air LLC shall consider the claim and notify the applicant in writing of the results of its consideration within thirty days from the date of receipt of the claim.